Omicron Wing (Vigrid System)

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Omicron Wing
Fighter Rapier
Wingmen Joseph Khumalo
Previous Delta Wing (Valgard System)
Next Omega Wing (Vigrid System)

Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Preflight Conversations

Talk to Shotglass

You look like you're havin' a good day, Maverick.
'Course, knowing that the Sivar is sitting out there, running out of power...well, it helps.
Scuttlebutt has it that we're just about ready to go for the kill.
I hope that we get that shot soon...for Zach and Trisha.
Ah, but waiting's always the worst part...Bottoms up, Maverick.

Talk to Knight

Hey, Maverick. I heard that you just got assigned to the Black Lion squadron.
That means you'll be flying with me. Let's be careful out there, okay?
Well, I just hope that we're going after that dreadnought soon.
We're so deep into enemy territory, so far from our own lines...
...the Sivar's not the only one who can't resupply.

Talk to Iceman

Good job out there against the furballs, kid.
We'll go for the big one, real soon now.
Remember missiles. Don't use 'em up too fast, kid.
Your guns will sting, and take out the smaller targets for you...
..but there's nothing like a missile to finish the job.

Mission Briefing

Mission Debriefing