Category talk:Ships

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Revision as of 05:36, 11 February 2010 by Dundradal (talk | contribs)
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Ship/fighter organization needs to be taken care of. It's very dispersed now. I realize the need to organize in multiple ways, but first we need to handle the basics then we can make further category breakdowns later on. We should have ships/fighters organized in these subcategories for each faction: Capital Ship Class Type (Carrier, Cruiser, etc), Capital Ship Class Name (Bengal-Class, Concordia-Class, etc), Individual Capital Ships (TCS Victory, TCS Concordia, etc), Fighter Type (Light, Medium, Heavy, Bomber), Fighter Name (F-27 Arrow, etc). This will make the category much clearer. Someone should take on this project of redoing all article and category pages. - Dund

So the main ships page should only show faction names: Confederation, Kilrathi, Pirate, Civilian, Retro, Union of Border Worlds, Nephilim, Steltek, CIS

In those subcategories would be: Capital Ships and Fighters

Under Capital Ships: Type, Class Name, Individual Ships Under Fighters: Type, Class Name

Under Capital Ship Type: Dreadnaught, Carrier, Cruiser, Destroyer, Corvette, Transport Under Fighter Type: Light, Medium, Heavy, Bomber

I started the project by doing the highest level of the category. I also categorized the Bhantkara-Class Carrier and Darket under the new system and started the second level of the Kilrathi category to show people what I wanted.