SC 0550

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SC 0550
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Plot
Series Introduction
Disc CD2 (PC), CD1 (PSX), Side A (DVD)
Run Time 5s
Scenes 55
Locations Flight Control

SC_0550 is a audio cutscene from Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. The lines play over the Flight Control gameflow screen after Tyr 4A or Tyr 4B and Masa C2 prompting the player to view Admiral Tolwyn's messages in the briefing room. It plays the same audio as SC_0070.


2ND LT. DREW NAISMITH: Colonel Blair, report to the Briefing Room. Message from Confed HQ.



Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.


NOTE: After the previous midgames, Blair will
find himself on the Flight Deck. When he moves
to Flight Control, he will hear this

Colonel Blair, report to the
Briefing Room. Message from HQ.
The onscreen text cue for entrance to the
Briefing Room will now read "Receive Tolwyn
Communique." This option will be available ONLY
at this time. IF Blair leaves Flight Control
without playing this option now, it will no
longer be available. When he later returns to
Flight Control, the onscreen text cue will
revert back to the standard "Attend Briefing."