The Terran Knowledge Bank
The Hercules is a Marine Landing Craft in the post-war Terran Confederation. It saw service in the Nephilim war of 2681.
Wing Commander: Prophecy
Wing Commander Prophecy - The Official Strategy Guide
This is a much more straightforward version of a shuttle than its more all-purpose cousin, the Condor. The Hercules is specifically designed to carry [[Terran Confederation Marines|Marines]] and their equipment into locations where they are needed: enemy [[Capital ship|cap ships]], enemy [[Starbase|starbases]], planetary surfaces, and so forth. The Hercules is also capable of picking up troops, but not conducting search and rescues under adverse conditions. The Hercules is larger than a fighter, but smaller than a capital ship - it's roughly the size of a small Corvette. It is lightly shielded and armored, and relies on an escort to see it through combat situations. It is not totally defenseless, however, as it has two turrets for use against enemy fighters. It is also armed with a boarding mechanism which is powerful enough to cut through bulkheads, to facilitate troop insertion.