Kamrani-class corvette

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Type Corvette
Manufacturer Kilrathi

The Kamrani-Class Corvette is a warship that saw extensive use with the Kilrathi Empire during the Terran-Kilrathi War.

Class Overview

The Kamrani-Class Corvette is a light capital ship that entered service during the second half of the Terran-Kilrathi War. Its main roles were convoy escorts, system patrol, and anti-starfighter defense. Many of these ships were seen escorting supply convoys and heavier capital ships like the Ralarrad-Class Light Destroyers throughout the War. Although a relatively small warship, it posed a dangerous threat to enemy starfighters.

It was not uncommon for these warships to work together in pairs. Even more rarely, they appeared in groups of three.

Kamrani-Class Corvettes are incapable of carrying starfighters.


Kamranis have served the Kilrathi Empire for an undetermined amount of time, and became a common sight by 2669. During his service on the TCS Victory, Colonel Christopher Blair fought and destroyed many of these corvettes when assigned to wear down enemy patrols or when intercepting enemy convoys.

At least one Kamrani aided in the failed invasion of Tamayo II and a pair of these vessels attempted to intercept the TCS Behemoth prior to the destruction of Loki VI. In another engagement, three of these corvettes faced off with the TCS Sheffield in the Alcor System after the Behemoth was destroyed in the Loki System.


Class: Corvette
Length: 110 meters
Mass: 5,500 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 200 kps
Acceleration: Poor (20 k/s^2)
Maximum Y/P/R: 5/5/5 deg/s
Fore Shield: 1000 cm (Phase Shields)
Aft Shield: 1000 cm (Phase Shields)
Front Armor: 500 cm
Right Armor: 500 cm
Left Armor: 500 cm
Rear Armor: 500 cm
Guns: 5 Laser Turrets Classified