F-36 Hornet

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Type Light Fighter
Manufacturer Origin Aerospace
Primary users Terran Confederation
Union of Border Worlds, Free Republic of the Landreich

Hornet Target Identification circa Vega Sector 2654

The F-36 Hornet was the standard light fighter of the Terran Confederation in 2654. It engaged in reconnaissance, patrol and light anti-shipping duties through the entire run of the Terran-Kilrathi War. A trainer variant of the Hornet is flown by rookie pilots at the Terran Confederation Space Forces Academy. These starfighters are known for their speed, and carried a fairly-balanced arsenal of weapons for such a small fighter.

Noted Hornet squadrons include the Yellowjackets and Killer Bees assigned to the TCS Tiger's Claw during the Vega Sector Campaign. General James Taggart began his career flying the nimble fighters.

The Hornet was officially replaced by the F-54 Epee in 2661, though Hornet squadrons continued flying combat missions through the Battle of Terra. After the war, surplus Hornets were sold to the Free Republic of the Landreich - where they served in numerous border disputes. Hornets were also sold to the Union of Border Worlds, who utilized their existing squadrons in combat against the Black Lance during the 2673 Black Lance Conflict.

The Flying Eyes, VF-12 of the Free Republic of the Landreich Space Forces were used heavily during President Kruger's Project Goliath. They conducted the initial flybys of KIS Karga which showed the hulk to be mostly intact. They were eventually transfered to the Karga/FRLS Mjolnir as part of its budding air wing. Their presence was critical when the carrier was attacked by Guild forces. VF-12 also served with distinction during the Battle of Baka Kar which pitted FRLN forces against those of Ragark da Haka in 2671.


Class: Light Fighter
Length: 20 meters
Mass: 12.5 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 420 kps
Cruise Velocity: 300 kps
Acceleration: Good
Max Y/P/R: 8/9/8 dps
Fore Shield: 3.0 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 3.0 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 3.0 cm
Right Armor: 3.0 cm
Left Armor: 3.0 cm
Rear Armor: 3.0 cm
Guns: Mk. 25 Laser Cannon (2)
Missiles: Dart DF (2), Javelin HS (1)

An earlier variant of the Hornet carried two Pike IFF missiles instead of Dart DFs.
