Ashearer Heavy Fighter ML4b

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ML4B Ashearer
Type Heavy Fighter
Primary User Papogod
Max Velocity 480 KPS
Max Afterburner Velocity 960 KPS
Acceleration 60 kps2
Max Y/P/R 80/80/80 dps
Armor 137.5 cm
Shields 75 cm
Decoys Decoy Mk. II (10)
Cloak No
Jump Drive Yes
Crew 1 (pilot)
Devices Signal Filter (1)
[Difficulty 5]

Ashearer in Papogod colors, Tri-System circa 2790.

Kindred fighters aside, the Ashearer is the finest pirate fighter in the Tri-System. It is the standard bearing heavy fighter of the Papogod clan, and it is as well-armed and armoured as any high-level private ship. Ashearers often work alongside Ecantona on assignments. The Ashearer puts its counterparts, the Tacon, Testmos and Krell, to shame.