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Type Light Atmospheric Fighter
Primary user Kilrathi Empire

The Ekapshi is a light atmospheric fighter. It was used extensively by the Kilrathi Empire.

The Ekapshi was designed especially for atmospheric combat as a means of defending those planets under Kilrathi control. It is not an ideal dogfighter in space. Still, being armed with impressive speed and maneuverability, it is a lethal foe for any Terran starfighter or shuttle that dares to attempt occupation of a Kilrathi colony. Ekapshis are deadly individually, but incredibly lethal in swarms, and should not be taken lightly by any pilot confronting them.

Ekapshis were a common sight on Kilrathi colonies during the final stages of the Terran-Kilrathi War. Wings from the TCS Victory fought against numerous Ekapshis during the assault on Alcor V, in which a force of Marines extracted Dr. Philip Severin, the man behind the Temblor Bomb. Some were also encountered on Hyperion during the first test of the Temblor Bomb. Finally, dozens of Ekapshis were deployed to defend Kilrah during Colonel Christopher Blair's fateful deployment of the Temblor Bomb on the Kilrathi homeworld.


Class: Light Atmospheric Fighter
Length: 16 meters
Mass: 19 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 430 kps
Cruise Velocity: ???
Acceleration: 200 k/s^2
Max Y/P/R: 65/55/55 deg/s
Fore Shield: 250.0 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 128.0 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 80.0 cm
Right Armor: 80.0 cm
Left Armor: 80.0 cm
Rear Armor: 80.0 cm
Guns: Laser Cannons (4) Meson Guns (2)
Missiles: ???