SC 2740B

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SC 2740B
SC 2740B.png
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Plot
Series K - Circe, L - Speradon
Disc CD5 (PC), CD3 (PSX), Side B (DVD)
Run Time 32s
Choice A I could use the extra firepower.
Choice B I got a need for speed.
Scenes 274
Locations Control Bay

SC_2740B is a cutscene from Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. It plays when the player selects "Talk to Pliers." in the Control Bay after Speradon L4A or Speradon L4B if Catscratch is dead.

Choice A: I could use the extra firepower.
Choice B: I got a need for speed..


CHIEF TECH ROBERT "PLIERS" SYKES: �Finally feels like we're on the right track, kid. Damn shame about that boy. Helluva job he did. So... how'd you like a little extra punch on board for your next mission?


CHIEF TECH ROBERT "PLIERS" SYKES: �Well, we can bang the metal a coupla places, open up a little more space, maybe squeeze in another missile or two. Might take a couple clicks off the old speedo, but it sure would be nice to have an ace-in-the-hole, eh? Whadd'ya say?





The DVD Version of Wing Commander IV includes much higher resolution versions of almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release.



Wing Commander IV's cutscenes were dubbed for the French and German releases.



Choice A: Quelques missiles en plus, ça serait pas du luxe.
Choice B: J'ai besoin d'un maximum de vitesse.




Choice A: Ich könnte mehr Feuerkraft gebrauchen.
Choice B: Ich brauche Tempo.



Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.

CONDITION: Mission L3A failure or Mission L3B flown (Catscratch dead).

pliers gets another coffee fix.

pliers Finally feels like we're on the right track, kid. (beat) Damn shame 'bout the boy. Helluva thing he did.

pliers leans in, whispers conspiratorially.

pliers How'd you like a little extra punch on board for your next mission?

blair I'm listening.

pliers We can bang the metal a coupla places, open up a little more space, squeeze in another missile or two. Might take a coupla clicks off the speedo but it sure would be nice to have an ace-in-the-hole, eh? Whaddya say?