A-18 Crossbow

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A-18 Crossbow
Type Heavy Bomber
Introduction 2667
Primary user Terran Confederation

A-18 Crossbow Target Identification.

The A-18 Crossbow is a heavy bomber in the service of the Terran Confederation.

The Crossbow was designed with the purposes of a typical bomber, but also as an alternative to the A-17 Broadsword. Having a smaller chassis and greater maneuverability, it was meant to fulfill the purposes of the Broadsword but allowing for better performance in combat. Sporting a heavy weapons loadout, it was a dangerous opponent to enemy capital ships, and could take a lot of damage before it was felled in battle. It is also one of a handful of Terran starfighters that are capable of hyperspace.

The Crossbow was first introduced in the 2660s and in 2667 was being field-tested on the TCS Gettysburg in the Epsilon Sector. During these tests, the crew of the Gettysburg staged a mutiny against their commander after he gave them illegal orders to fire on unarmed Kilrathi refugee ships, overtaking the vessel and the prototype Crossbows on board. After Colonel Christopher Blair informed the mutineers they had been pardoned for their crimes, the Gettysburg launched a flight of Crossbows to destroy the Rigel Supply Depot, which had been seized by rogue marines who were preying upon civilian supply convoys.

The Crossbow also saw limited service during the defense of Ghorah Khar, which was attempting to secede from the Kilrathi Empire in 2667. Colonel Blair also used a Crossbow in the capture of Crown Prince Thrakhath nar Kiranka during this same fleet action, only to see the Crown Prince escape from his imprisonment afterwards.

It is unknown what further actions the Crossbow undertook in the Terran-Kilrathi War.


Class: Heavy Bomber
Length: 24 meters
Mass: 40 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 370 kps
Cruise Velocity: 200 kps
Acceleration: Average
Max Y/P/R: 8/8/8 deg/s
Fore Shield: 25.0 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 25.0 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 20.0 cm
Right Armor: 20.0 cm
Left Armor: 25.0 cm
Rear Armor: 25.0 cm
Guns: Mass Drivers (3), Neutron Guns (4)
Missiles: Torpedo x 4, Pilum FF x 3