Wing Commander IV Communications - Gambler

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with Gambler.

Video Loops

Download: IFCR2_1.mp4

Download: IFCR2_2.mp4

Download: IFCR2_3.mp4



Speech Download Purpose Transcript
CFRS100000.wav Affirmative Affirmative.
CFRS100001.wav Negative Negative, Colonel.
CFRS100002.wav Waypoint Clear I'm not reading anything here, sir. Let's move on.
CFRS100003.wav Enemy Near Enemies approaching, Colonel!
CFRS100004.wav Enemy Near We must have disturbed the nest, sir!
CFRS100005.wav Ready to Engage Ready to engage and destroy, Colonel!
CFRS100006.wav Engaging Breaking off now, sir!
CFRS100007.wav Taunt Excellent! This is a great day!
CFRS100008.wav Player Kill Nice work, sir.
CFRS100009.wav Requesting Assistance Requesting assistance, Colonel! They're putting up a fight for once.
CFRS100010.wav Preparing to Retreat I think we should pull back sir, request to abort mission.
CFRS100011.wav Retreating Heading back; we'll get our revenge.
CFRS100012.wav Ejecting Losing the ship... I've got to eject!
CFRS100013.wav KIA Fools! You don't know who you're up agaiiiiinnnnnn...
CFRS100014.wav No Damage No problems yet, sir -- this is easier than I thought.
CFRS100015.wav Slight Damage Minor system damage, sir.
CFRS100016.wav Moderate Damage Sorry, Colonel, my ship is pretty badly damaged!
CFRS100017.wav Severe Damage Structure's not holding up... damn ship's almost inoperative, sir!
CFRS100018.wav Fighter Kill Hah! One less Border Worlder in the Galaxy!
CFRS100019.wav Capital Ship Kill The capital ship is history, Colonel! What's next?
CFRS100020.wav Friendly Fire Control your weapon fire, sir!
CFRS100021.wav Friendly Fire Colonel stop! You're hitting a Confederation ship!
CFRS100022.wav Treason I'm not dealing with this! Bringing guns to bear down on you, traitor!
CFRS100023.wav Mission Complete Objectives accomplished, Colonel... I'm heading back.