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Privateer - Screenshot - Bar - Header.png

A bar is a retail business establishment that serves alcoholic beverages. There is a bar on every base in the Gemini Sector with the exceptions of Gaea and the Derelict. Bars in larger urban areas are traditional meeting places for businessmen, called fixers, who are seeking privateers to perform missions that can not be offered through the Mission Computers, Mercenaries' Guild or Merchants' Guild. These missions are agreed to on a handshake basis and payment is never guaranteed. Bartenders are a source of news and rumors. Exploratory Services' officer Gabriel Quentin wrote about bars in GEMINI SECTOR: AN OVERVIEW.


Sprite Sheets


Behind the Screens

Bars were initially intended to host randomly generated fixers who would offer Mad Libs-style missions similar to the Mission Computers. This feature was cut late in development.

The Oxford Bar is frequently referred to as King's Arms in behind the screens material but this name is never used on screen.

Initial sketches of the repair bay were by artist Paul Steed; Steed would often add scantily clad women to his concept work.

Pre-Release Screenshots

Source Models

Concept Art
