E. Masterson - Mission E

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E. Masterson - Mission E
MM - RF - E Masterson E.png
Date 2670
Type Cargo Mission
Jumps 3 (Oxford, XXN-1927, New Detroit, Perry)
Payment 10,000 credits
Objectives Go to Perry, Nav 9

Deliver cargo to Perry

Cargo Mission Cargo (10)
Designation S11MDE
Previous E. Masterson - Mission D
Next Monte - Mission A (if you have completed two of these missions: Tayla - Mission D, Lynn Murphy - Mission D and Sandra Goodin - Mission D)
Saved Game S11ME.PRS

E. Masterson - Mission E is a mission in Privateer Righteous Fire. It may be accessed by talking to E. Masterson at the library on Oxford in the Oxford System after completing E. Masterson - Mission D.

Mission Description

Take cargo of artwork from Oxford to Perry Naval Base in the Perry system.

Pays 10000 credits.

Return to Masterson at Oxford

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Oxford System
Nav 1 3 Pirate Talon confident pro
Nav 3 3 Pirate Talon confident pro
Nav 4 3 Militia Talon confident pro friendly
XXN-1927 System
Nav 1 3 Bounty Hunter Demon fanatical pro
New Detroit System
Nav 8 3 Retro Talon fanatical pro
Perry System
Nav 5 3 Retro Salthi unknown
Nav 6 3 Retro Salthi unknown
Nav 5 3 Retro Talon fanatical pro
Nav 3 3 Bounty Hunter Demon fanatical pros


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Masterson

Hello, Masterson. I'm back.
What's next?
I need you to deliver our Twentieth Century Artwork collection to Perry Naval Base in Perry.
The job pays 10,000. Return here afterwards. How about it?
Accept Refuse
Great, I'll see about locating my friend.
We'll see about that.
I know you. You'll change your tune.


Talk to Masterson

Of all the...what are you doing here?
Our freighters are being attacked even now!
Unless you hurry up, we won't get sufficient equipment for the reconstruction.
Well, I...  
What are you standing there for?
Launch and escort our freighter to the jump point at Nav 1...
...or kiss your precious information good-bye.
Please decide. Are you going to do it or not?
Accept Refuse
Try and get it right this time.
Dealing with you can be very frustrating.


Look, $NM, We need a freighter escort. Our freighters are sitting ducks without protection.
The freighter is making the jump to Saxtogue at Nav 1, Oxford.
I told you, if you want 10,000 credits and an introduction to my friend, you need to defend it!
Will you help us, or not?
Accept Refuse
Okay, I'm going.  
Stop stalling and save that freighter, damn it!
Touchy, touchy...
Forget it, Masterson. This mission looks like a suicide run.  
I need the information, but it's only useful to me if I'm around to enjoy it.



Welcome, volunteer! You will escort us to Nav 1. And don't abandon us before we jump out! I sure hope you're a good shot!

WC:CIC Game Guide


Masterson still hasn't located his friend so while he does, you need to fly a fifth mission for him. Yet another cargo mission.


Transport cargo of artwork to Perry Naval Base. Land, then return to Oxford.

Scripted Encounters

"Unknown" forces upon entering Perry system


  • The unknown ships in Perry system are fast but don't have much firepower. They don't respond to any communications for the time being, you'll have to keep guessing who they could be. They shouldn't prove much of a challenge for you though.
  • When you get back to Oxford, Masterson gives you your pay, but unfortunately his friend isn't willing to see you until you gain a few more recommendations. You are now left to find a few employers and you can fly for them in whichever order you choose, however for this guide we'll start with our old friend Lynn Murphy. You can find her on Edom, an agricultural planet in the New Constantinople system.

User Comments

Submitted by : Wedge009 (swong009@student.mq.edu.au)

Mission : Employers

Comments : Of the three employers (Confed, Murphy, and Tayla), only two are need to be satisfied before Masterson introduces you to his friend. In my first play of RF, I completely missed Tayla.

Submitted by : Sycrusian (sycrusian@yahoo.com)

Mission : Steltek Gun

Comments : I really don't remember the details, it was a long time ago, but I was able to keep my Seltek Gun from Privateer by rewriting my savegame file extension so that it would be recognized by Righteous Fire.

Submitted by : Junta (olainormann@hotmail.com)

Date : Sat May 5 14:42:14 2012

Mission :

Comments : Sycrusian: Yes, it is possible to cheat. You are a cheater. Have you ever completed a game without cheating?