KF-402 Krant

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KF-402 Krant
Type Medium Fighter
Primary user Kilrathi Empire

Krant Target Identification
Krant-class line drawing from Joan's Fighting Spacecraft.

The Krant was a Kilrathi medium fighter. It was included in Joan's Fighting Spacecraft Vega Sector Supplement for 2654.092.

A pre-war design with a round-about success story, the Krant was initially put into service as a short-range interceptor. The design proved largely unimpressive and ultimately the initial model saw very little service. As the war began in earnest both sides scrambled to find new ways to deliver antimatter torpedoes -- and outfitting the Krant as a light 'dive bomber' proved succesful. Dedicated Kilrathi bomber pilots developed a famous tactic in which they would bear straight down on capital ships without reacting to enemy fighter cover. The bomber also proved adaptable to the suicide tactics popular among early war commanders. A single-use jump drive could be mounted onboard a Krant for launching such attacks from a system away. The Krant has no ejection system.

The Krant spaceframe was spun off once again, this time as a capable medium fighter which served throughout the Vega Campaign and beyond. The top scoring Kilrathi ace of his era, Khajja nar Ja'targk ("The Fang"), accumulated 99 kills flying a Krant before his death in 2654. The Krant would ultimately go on to serve on the front lines for almost the duration of the war: squadrons continued to see active duty up through the Battle of Terra. It was also a popular choice among more elite guard units; a Krant squadron was among those defending Vukar Tag in 2667.


Class: Medium Fighter
Length: 32 meters
Mass: 16.6 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 360 kps
Cruise Velocity: 200 kps
Acceleration: Good
Max Y/P/R: 7/10/7 dps
Fore Shield: 8.0 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 8.0 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 9.0 cm
Right Armor: 8.0 cm
Left Armor: 8.0 cm
Rear Armor: 10.0 cm
Guns: Laser Cannon (2)
Missiles: Fang FF(1), Claw IR (1), Stalker HS (3)