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Space Station
Primary user Terran Confederation

Thousands of stations such as these dot the Confederation. They are used for military and civilian purposes and are built at key points in solar systems. They house such operations as internal security (In-System Security) as well as commerce areas. The station is defended by a small fighter contingent and two flak cannons. The Space Station is often confused with its larger counterpart, the Confederation Star Base.


Class: Space Station
Length: 400 meters
Mass: 600 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 20 kps
Cruise Velocity: 10 kps
Acceleration: Poor
Max Y/P/R: 1/1/1 dps
Fore Shield: 100 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 100 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 150 cm
Right Armor: 150 cm
Left Armor: 150 cm
Rear Armor: 150 cm
Guns: Flak Cannons (2)
Fighter Complement: Light


Academy Manual Academy In-Game
Length 400 meters
Mass 600 tonnes Small
Ship Number 51
Class Space Station Medium Fighter
Shield Recharge 5
Damage Flag No
Maximum Speed 20 kps 500 kps
Cruise Speed 10 kps
Acceleration Rate Bad 4
Yaw Rate 1 dps 10
Pitch Rate 1 dps 10
Roll Rate 1 dps 10
Guns Flak Gun (2) Plasma Bolt (2)
Photon Cannon (2)
Front Shield 100 cm 150 units
Rear Shield 100 cm 150 units
Front Armor 150 cm 200 units
Rear Armor 150 cm 200 units
Left Armor 150 cm 100 units
Right Armor 150 cm 100 units



Wing Commander Academy

Wing Commander: Academy

Weapons of the Terran and Kilrathi Fleets

The simulator has implemented Candar Station so you will learn how to defend friendly space stations. Protected by flak guns as well as strong armor, it is a hard nut to crack. However, a Kilrathi force with formidable weapon loadouts could destroy Candar if they manage to dodge you and its flak volleys since the space station is not protected by phase shields.