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Sector Vega Sector
Quadrant Downing Quadrant
Locations Nephele II, Nephele Prime, Orlando Depot, Blue Point Station
Jump Links Loki, Alcor, Tyr, H'rekkah, K'n'Rek

Nephele is a star system in the Vega Sector. As of 2673, it remains a territory of the Terran Confederation.

Nephele is the home system of famed Terran pilot Christopher Blair, as he as born on Nephele II to Pilgrim parents in 2630. Nephele hosts at least two planets. Nephele II is a desert world where agricultural is the main economy. It also hosts offices for the Terran Space Academy. The Confederation Space Navy has a fairly strong presence in the sector.

It is unknown what role played during the Terran-Kilrathi War, other than the fact that its local citizen Colonel Blair rose to become the most admired pilot in the entire war. He ultimately ended the war with the Kilrathi Empire in 2669.

After the war, Nephele, like dozens of other systems, suffered from the reestablishment of a civilian economy, since the last 35 years of warfare had seen the Confederation pour all of its resources towards fighting the war. Many farms failed due to bankruptcy and economic troubles, among them being Blair's. During the year 2673, the Border Worlds Conflict broke out, threatening nearby systems such as Nephele. While at a local bar, Blair was recalled to active service by Major Todd Marshall.

Blair and Marshall were en route to the Orlando Depot after Marshall recalled Blair to active service in the wake of the Border Worlds Conflict in 2673. They were to pilot a shuttle back to the Sol System to receive their commands from Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn. While en route, the two men dueled each other with non-lethal lasers as a means to find out who's the better pilot.

When the two men arrived at Orlando, the station was completely destroyed by a Border Worlds bomber, killing 3,000 Terrans. The two pilots were force to divert their course to Blue Point Station, where they continued to Sol. The man who attacked Orlando was later identified as "Seether", a Black Lance operative. Blair and Marshall subsequently defected to the Union of Border Worlds and prevented a war between it and Confed after discovering a conspiracy by the Black Lance within Confed that sought to re-militarize the Confederation.

Blair continued to serve the Terran Confederation up until the outbreak of the Nephilim War in 2681. Blair was lost in combat against the Nephilim and presumed dead. Memorials dedicated to Blair's memory were held all across the Nephele System.