Team Selachian win GroB Preis

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Team Selachian win GroB preis is a News Bulletin by Mint Strider posted to the Commerce and Communications Network in 2790. It does not impact commodity prices.


Team Selachian win GroB Preis
Racing correspondent Mint Strider reports
It's been a day of high drama here at the Hermes-Crius GroB Preis. Tournament Leader Michael Schmeichel started in pole position, only to have his Thoreau Spectre develop afterburner problems, effectively putting him out of the race. This left the way clear for Rosmery Mount in her Duress Selachian to cruise through, closely followed by her team-mate Daniel Toughroan. Third place went to Vampire Lichten pilot Freddi Jorkel, although he was never a serious contender for the two Selachian pilots. All in all, a great day's racing, and one that promises much for the Bex-Janus race in two weeks time.