KriskArms buys out ExTex

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KriskArms nuys out ExTex is a News Bulletin by Jervis Frintner posted to the Commerce and Communications Network in 2790. It does not impact commodity prices.


KriskArms buy out ExTex
Military analyst Jervis Frintner reports
KriskArms spokesman Norman Marsares yesterday confirmed that the weapons manufacturing giant had completed their 23 million credit take-over of ExTex Inc., manufacturers of specialist explosives such as duodecaplatylonate. Marsares spoke very favourably of the deal, saying 'This is the boost KriskArms has been looking for; we've been wanting to make a greater impact in the missile and mine market for some time. With ExTex on side, we'll be able to offer cheaper and better technology to both the military establishment and independent users.'