Ship Dealer: Difference between revisions

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Privateer - Sprite Sheet - Ship Dealer - Scanners - Buttons.png
Privateer - Sprite Sheet - Ship Dealer - Scanners - Buttons.png
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000 - Ship Dealer.png|Ship Dealer - Salesman
024 - Ship Dealer PC.png|Ship Dealer - PC
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Agricultural_-_Portrait.png|Agricultural Planet
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Agricultural_-_Handshake.png|Agricultural Planet
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Mining_-_Portrait.png|Mining Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Mining_-_Handshake.png|Mining Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Pleasure_-_Portrait.png|Pleasure Planet
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Mining_-_Handshake.png|Mining Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Refinery_-_Portrait.png|Refinery Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Refinery_-_Handshake.png|Refinery Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_New_Const_-_Portrait.png|New Constantinople Government Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_New_Const_-_Handshake.png|New Constantinople Government Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_New_Detroit_-_Portrait.png|New Detroit Industrial Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_New_Detroit_-_Handshake.png|New Detroit Industrial Base
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Oxford_-_Portrait.png|Oxford University Planet
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Oxford_-_Handshake.png|Oxford University Planet
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Perry_-_Portrait.png|Perry Naval Base Military Starbase
Image:Ship_Dealer_-_Perry_-_Handshake.png|Perry Naval Base Military Starbase
Privateer - Sprite Sheet - Generic Male - Chunks.png
Privateer - Sprite Sheet - Generic Male - Chunks.png
Privateer - Sprite Sheet - Generic Male - Eyes.png
Privateer - Sprite Sheet - Generic Male - Eyes.png

Revision as of 21:29, 13 February 2023

Ship Dealer
PPG - Ship Dealer Icon.png

The Mercenaries' Guild or The Mercenaries' Guild is a professional society for privateers which operates 33 offices across the Gemini Sector. It acts as a mission brokerage firm between businesses seeking combat-oriented services and privateers. The guild clears all missions and guarantees payment for successful completion. Attack, bounty hunting, defend base, patrol and scout missions are offered through the guild. These missions are typically more difficult than those found on the Mission Computer and at the Merchants' Guild but also offer a higher average payment amount.

The guild is known for its integrity and sense of honor and does not offer illegal missions or operate offices on Pirate bases. Guildsmen pay an application fee to register with the organization and are given unlimited access to the mission computers located in any guild office. They are allowed to take up to three missions at a time. Missions are stored on individual optical disks and offered as a selection of four at a time. The limit is imposed to prevent racketeering and overcommitting. Missions accepted from the Mission Computer and the Merchants' Guild count towards the limit. Members are paid immediately upon the completion of a mission and do not need to return to a guild office. Officers are staffed by a receptionist who offers a hard sell to prospective members.

The Merenaries' Guild and the Merchants' Guild were initially competitors. Starting around 2659, the Merchants' Guild established good relationships with the Mercenaries' Guild. By 2669, the number of pilots and small businesses in Gemini had increased because of the war effort and a heavy campaign to advertise the sector's opportunities. This resulted in the two organizations coming to depend on one another as these businesses increasingly needed cargo and protection missions. The Mercenaries' Guild advertises combat missions through the Merchants' Guild and the Mission Computer.

The Mercenary Guild's application fee increased to 5,000 credits around 2669. Exploratory Services' officer Gabriel Quentin is a longtime associate of the Mercenaries' Guild and wrote about the organization in GEMINI SECTOR: AN OVERVIEW. The organization has endorsed the model 2069 Centurion as the best publicly-available fighter.



Sprite Sheets


All prices are given in credits.

Item Price Trade In
Tarsus 5,000
Orion 75,000 75,000
Galaxy 150,000 150,000
Centurion 200,000 200,000
Afterburner 3,000 1,750
Plasteel Armor 1,000 500
Tungsten Armor 1,500 700
Cargo Expansion 5,000 3,500
Level 1 5,000 3,500
Level 2 15,000 10,000
Level 3 30,000 20,000
Level 1 10,000 6,500
Level 2 30,000 20,000
Level 3 60,000 40,000
Level 4 100,000 65,000
Level 5 150,000 100,000
Jump Drive 10,000 7,500
Nav Maps
Clarke 2,000 1,000
Fariss 2,000 1,000
Humboldt 2,000 1,000
Potter 2,000 1,000
All Maps 5,000
Repair Droid 30,000 20,000
Shield Generators
Level 1 10,000 7,500
Level 2 30,000 20,000
Level 3 60,000 35,000
Level 4 100,000 75,000
Level 5 150,000 100,000
Iris Mk I 10,000 7,500
Iris Mk II 30,000 20,000
Iris Mk III 60,000 40,000
Hunter 6 30,000 20,000
Hunter 6i 50,000 37,500
Hunter Infinity 80,000 57,500
B & S Tripwire 40,000 27,500
B & S E.Y.E. 70,000 50,000
B & S Omni 100,000 65,000
Tractor Beam 7,500 5,000
Turret (any) 10,000 7,500
Laser 1,000 750
Mass Driver 1,500 1,000
Meson Blaster 2,500 1,600
Neutron Gun 5,000 3,500
Particle Cannon 10,000 7,500
Tachyon Cannon 20,000 16,000
Ionic Pulse Cannon 40,000 27,000
Plasma Gun 80,000 55,000
Missile Launcher 10,000 7,500
Dumb Fire 20 10
Heat Seeker 35 20
Image Recognition 75 50
Friend or Foe 100 75
Torpedo Launcher 2,000 1,400
Torpedo 15 10

2670 Additions

Item Price Trade In
Advanced Droid 90,000 40,000
Gun Cooler 300,000 100,000
Isometal Armor 6,000 3,000
Level 6 250,000 100,000
Level 7 350,000 200,000
Shield Generators
Level 6 180,000 110,000
Level 7 200,000 140,000
Shield Regenerator 170,000 80,000
Speed Enhancer 240,000 100,000
Thrust Enhancer 60,000 30,000
Fusion Cannon 100,000 60,000



Can Afford

Purchase Centurion

I see you're looking at the Centurion. Hell of a ship.
As you can see, the Centurion is a heavy fighter.
Note the racks for 4 guns, 2 weapons and, of course, a rear turret.
Beautiful, eh? Look at those hard edges, the aerodynamic sleekness...
Did you know the Mercenaries' Guild has endorsed the model 2069... the best publicly-available fighter?
The Centurion is a real bargain, priced at $U3 credits.
I can give you $U1 trade in value on your old ship, plus $U2 for all your extras.
Leaving you with $U4 credits to outfit your new Centurion.
So how about it? Interested?
Accept Refuse
You certainly know a good deal when you see one, friend.
You'll find your new ship fueled up and waiting on the landing pad for you.
Your payment will be deducted automatically. Have a good one!
Hmmm...let me give you a sales brochure and my card.
Call me if you change your mind.

Can't Afford

Purchase Centurion

Hell of a ship, the Centurion.
You are obviously a privateer who likes firepower...
But I'm afraid my boss won't let me trade ship for ship.
Can I tell you about the Orion or Galaxy?

Too Much Cargo

Purchase Centurion

Good choice, but far be it for me to pass up a sale...
...I can't afford to take advantage of a customer.
The problem is, all of the cargo currently listed on your ships manifest won't fit in this baby...
...and the Merchant's Guild won't let us trade your surplus cargo.
So go ahead, sell off some cargo, come back and I'll fix you up.
Believe me, I'm doing you a favor telling you this...
...some dealers will keep your excess cargo, guild or no guild.

Can't Afford

Purchase Centurion

I hate to break it to you, but we've checked your account...
...and you don't have enough credits to buy this ship.
She sure is a fine ship though, isn't she?
Listen, I want to make a sale, you want to make a purchase.
Let's look at the numbers...
This ship retails for $U3 credits.
I can give you $U1 trade in for your ship, plus $U2 for your extras.
Including your cash on hand, that leaves you short by about $U4 credits.
Go get some more cash, and come back when you're ready to deal, okay?
And don't feel embarrassed...these things happen...


Can Afford

Purchase Galaxy

Checking out the Galaxy Class merchant ship? Good choice.
She's not as flashy as some ships, but she sure is practical.
You get a roomy cockpit, loads of cargo space...
...and you can add top and bottom turrets if you feel you need more fire power.
Did I mention she's a fast ship, as merchant vessels go? No? Listen...
If you can't afford a Drayman...and who the hell can these days...'ll find the Galaxy fills all your shipping needs. And it's a steal at only $U3!
We can give you $U1 credits for your old ship, plus $U2 for your add-on modules.
You'll have $U4 credits left in the bank to load out your new ship. about flying a Galaxy home today?
Accept Refuse
Great. Your payment will be deducted automatically...
...and you'll find the ship waiting on the pad for you.
Thanks for your business...and good shipping.
Ah well. Think it over a little, and get back to me, okay?

Already Own

Purchase Galaxy

I see you already fly a Galaxy Class merchant ship.
She's not as flashy as some ships, but she sure is practical.
If you're into aggressive space combat, then the Centurion is just what you're looking for.
If it's security you want...
...the Orion sports better armor and shields, but you'll give up a little cargo space.
Which ship can I tell you about?

Too Much Cargo

Purchase Galaxy

Good choice, but far be it for me to pass up a sale...
...I can't afford to take advantage of a customer.
The problem is, all of the cargo currently listed on your ships manifest won't fit in this baby...
...and the Merchant's Guild won't let us trade your surplus cargo.
So go ahead, sell off some cargo, come back and I'll fix you up.
Believe me, I'm doing you a favor telling you this...
...some dealers will keep your excess cargo, guild or no guild.

Can't Afford

Purchase Galaxy

I hate to break it to you, but we've checked your account...
...and you don't have enough credits to buy this ship.
She sure is a fine ship though, isn't she?
Listen, I want to make a sale, you want to make a purchase.
Let's look at the numbers...
This ship retails for $U3 credits.
I can give you $U1 trade in for your ship, plus $U2 for your extras.
Including your cash on hand, that leaves you short by about $U4 credits.
Go get some more cash, and come back when you're ready to deal, okay?
And don't feel embarrassed...these things happen...


Can Afford

Purchase Orion

You want to buy an Orion. I'm telling you, you DO.
You do a lot of risky runs? You look the type. Let me tell you something...
...the Orion may not be fast, but she's a regular tank.
She has the thickest armor and best shields of any ship on the open market.
Sure, the cargo space is limited, but she'll keep you AND your cargo safe, get it?
This ship has something for everybody. Merchants have cargo protection...
...and mercs can fly her with confidence that they'll come back in one piece.
The Orion has racks for 2 guns, a weapon or tractor beam, and a rear turret.
A great buy at only $U3 credits.
Of course, you'd get a trade in of $U1 credits for your ship, and $U2 for the extras...
...leaving you with $U4 credits for new accessories. want one, or what?
Accept Refuse
Sharp eye, pal.
We'll deduct your payment automatically and have her waiting on the pad.
I didn't think you would. You look like a window shopper.
No hard feelings, pal. Let me know if you change your mind.

Already Own

Purchase Orion

You already fly an Orion, so you know you fly the safest ship available.
If you need more speed, then let me tell you about the Centurion.
But if it's cargo space you're after, then I suggest you consider a Galaxy.

Too Much Cargo

Purchase Orion

Good choice, but far be it for me to pass up a sale...
...I can't afford to take advantage of a customer.
The problem is, all of the cargo currently listed on your ships manifest won't fit in this baby...
...and the Merchant's Guild won't let us trade your surplus cargo.
So go ahead, sell off some cargo, come back and I'll fix you up.
Believe me, I'm doing you a favor telling you this...
...some dealers will keep your excess cargo, guild or no guild.

Can't Afford

Purchase Orion

I hate to break it to you, but we've checked your account...
...and you don't have enough credits to buy this ship.
She sure is a fine ship though, isn't she?
Listen, I want to make a sale, you want to make a purchase.
Let's look at the numbers...
This ship retails for $U3 credits.
I can give you $U1 trade in for your ship, plus $U2 for your extras.
Including your cash on hand, that leaves you short by about $U4 credits.
Go get some more cash, and come back when you're ready to deal, okay?
And don't feel embarrassed...these things happen...


Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide

Ship Dealer

The last common location is the ship dealer. These privately held dealerships are where you can buy the latest model ship. Indicating the ship you would like will undoubtedly lead to a sales pitch. Be forewarned — there are hitches that they do not mention in their pitch. Here are a few things you should know before dealing with these shysters:

  • When trading-in a ship you also get trade-in value for your upgrades. If you have a turret, two meson blasters, shields and a cargo expansion, your trade-in value is the Joan’s Index Value of your old ship, minus wear and tear, plus the current selling price for each upgrade.
  • Dealerships refuse to deal with transferring cargo unless it easy on them. You must have less cargo than the capacity of your new ship. If you trade in a fully loaded Galaxy for a Centurion, the salesman will turn you away until your cargo is less than the capacity of the Centurion.
  • There’s no financing. Unfortunately, the life span of a pilot in Gemini is short enough that they are unwilling to take a risk on you making payments. Not surprisingly, no insurance is available for freelancers. This means saving up a lot of cash before buying much of anything. While inconvenient, the businesses have little choice.

Ship Modification

This is where you buy, sell or repair options. Options include armor, guns, turrets, cargo expansions and anything else that adds to the performance or longevity of your vehicle. Interfacing with Ship Modification is as simple as using a monitor. Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to select Buy or Sell mode. Using the arrows at the sides, you can scroll through the available items. When you find an item you are interested in, simply touch the screen to indicate your selection. When you have indicated a gun or other such item, you are asked to pick the location on your ship where you would like it placed.

Please note: You are not allowed to purchase missiles or torpedoes without a launcher. This constitutes intent to sell and is strictly prohibited. Should you decide to sell a launcher that still has missiles or torpedoes allocated to it, the ammunition automatically sells at the going rate. Always buy ammunition last and sell it first.

Software Booth

The other useful department in a dealership is the Software Booth. This is where you acquire such essential equipment as maps and scanners. Both are imperative. It seems that this is one of the areas that was too rapidly deregulated. Without a map you may as well be flying blind. In over seven hundred years of space travel this is only the second time we have allowed pilots to fly about with no navigational software. While the manufacture of scanners is competitive (there are three brands each with their own high and low end models), maps are not. Scanners are important, maps are essential. Spend your money wisely.

This listing should give you some sense of the recovery Gemini is making since the lifting of martial law. We are on the economic upswing. This is a sector of opportunity, a frontier for the risk takers of the Confederation. Your contribution is an important part of making us an immovable fortress on the Kilrathi border and a growth-oriented, prosperous community.


Behind the Screens

Initial sketches of the repair bay were by artist Paul Steed; Steed would often add scantily clad women to his concept work.

Pre-Release Screenshots

Source Models

Concept Art