First Battle of Kilrah - 2667: Difference between revisions

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The marines on Largkza had accelerated their timetable and had begun their pull out. The ''Intrepid'' in the mean time had landed on the surface and extracted two landing ship crews before lifting off. One crew was lost while trying to lift off. Two landing craft were to dock with the ''Intrepid'' shortly and three remained on the surface about to lift off to rendezvous in orbit.
The marines on Largkza had accelerated their timetable and had begun their pull out. The ''Intrepid'' in the mean time had landed on the surface and extracted two landing ship crews before lifting off. One crew was lost while trying to lift off. Two landing craft were to dock with the ''Intrepid'' shortly and three remained on the surface about to lift off to rendezvous in orbit.

After briefly recovering fighters for rearmament, Bondarevsky delivered a short speech to the crew and prepared to take onboard the landing craft then lifting off the surface of Largkza. The landing craft carrying Svetlana Ivanova was hit by a heat seeking missile launched from the surface. It lost power and impacted back on the planet. After an emotional exchange between Bondarevsky, Merritt and Ivanova, Ivanova detonated the antimatter mines. The damage to the facilities on Largkza was extensive and Svetlana and the 34 surviving marines were killed in the blast.
Fifty of ''Tarawa'''s crew were causalities from the kamikaze strike and the ship itself needed time to effect repairs to its shield generator and jump drive. Bondarevsky knew the jump points would be blocked and found an alternative in a the gas giant, . 

'''This is the end of my edits. Do not alter this text.'''
'''This is the end of my edits. Do not alter this text.'''

Revision as of 03:46, 24 August 2010

Work-in-progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page.

The First Battle of Kilrah was a key part of Operation Back Lash. It was the strike force tasked with striking directly into the Kilrah System.

Kilrah and its moons


Confederation Situation

By the mid-2660s the Terran Confederation and Kilrathi Empire had fought each other to a virtual standstill. However, starting in 2665 the Confederation began to suffer heavy losses, particularly in carriers. 2666 proved to be particularly disastrous for the Confederation with nine carriers destroyed and the TCS Austerlitz so heavily damaged she would be in dry dock until 2668. The Confederation was left with seven fleet carriers to cover the entire front. Operation Back Lash was developed in response to the Confederation's desperate situation in carriers. The Confederation needed time to bring more heavy carriers than under construction online. Military commanders had war gamed a scenario that, while risky, could provide huge rewards. Strike Force Valkyrie was an essential part of that plan. The Kilrathi Home Fleet was to be lured into an ambush at Vukar Tag by four Confederation carriers and their escorts. In order to split the Home Fleet Confederation planners incorporated Strike Force Valkyrie into the overall plan. One of the newly constructed Wake-Class Escort Carriers and escorts were to penetrate into the Kilrah System using a jump line that made the trip considerably shorter and would offer the best chance to cause a dilemma for Crown Prince Thrakhath nar Kiranka by exposing itself at a critical moment. By striking at the home system while the Kilrathi Home Fleet went to redeem the honor of Emperor Joor'rad nar Kiranka's mother, Dowager Empress Graknala nar Kiranka by retaking Vukar Tag, Thrakhath would be put in an untenable position and forced to split his fleet. This was the key to Operation Back Lash.

Kilrathi Situation

The Kilrathi military, operating under the command of Crown Prince Thrakhath, had to respond to the dishonor caused by the Confederation invasion and continued occupation of Vukar Tag. They were fed information by a hidden burst signal facility (the Confederation actually let it live for this very purpose) on the surface of Vukar Tag. It captured images of Confederation marines looting and then destroying the Dowager Empress' estate. The castle had special meaning for the Crown Prince who had spent some time there as a cub. The insult to the Imperial family was clear and had to be avenged. The entire Home Fleet with ten carriers and

Orders to Strike Force Valkyrie

Admiral Banbridge ordered Strike Force Valkyrie, "Your mission is to drive straight into the heart of the Kilrathi Empire and to launch a strike on their home system...If anything will split off the home fleet it will be this action. We've traced out a route into the Empire which will follow back trade lanes, using a recently discovered jump point that will take you across a dozen sectors in a single leap. From there, you'll be down into the bottom side of the Empire nearly five hundred parsecs from here and just four jumps from their home world of Kilrah. You'll then drive straight up, relying on speed and stealth. The key point, however, is that you will let the Kilrathi know you're coming...that's the heart of the plan. We expect that once you've completed that long jump, the Kilrathi home fleet will be over halfway out here to Vukar and then, suddenly, you push the backdoor alarm bell. They'll be between a rock and a hard place. They won't know about the trap waiting at Vukar, but they will know about you. We expect that interior defenses will be damn near stripped for their offensive. Ignore you, and the home planet gets a hell of a shaking up. Abandon the offensive and race back home and honor is lost for not immediately retaking Vukar...They'll walk into the trap with part of their fleet missing and we'll smash it to pieces. If it works, it just might trigger a political crisis that could bring down the Emperor himself and at the very least we'll have bagged half a dozen of their finest capital ships."

Opposing Forces

Strike Force Valkyrie

Strike Force Commander, Commodore Thaddeus O'Brian

  • TCS Kagimasha

Kilrathi Home Fleet

Force Commander, Crown Prince Thrakhath

  • Blocking Forces
    • 2 Carriers

Penetrating the Empire

Strike Force Valkyrie spent five days running at full speed into the Empire. They had only encountered a lone transport which Etienne Montclair destroyed. Jason Bondarevsky took a Ferret out and purposely sent out radar scans in order to be spotted by Kilrathi forces. He was able to lure six Sartha back to the Tarawa. However, Commodore O'Brian decided to alter the plan and scrambled eight ships to intercept them before they sighted the strike force. Bondarevsky conspired with Doomsday on Commlink 2331 to allow the Kilrathi to spot the strike force despite O'Brian's intentions. Upon completing the mission Bondarevsky and O'Brian had an argument on the bridge of the Tarawa. Serious charges were made by both parties. O'Brian was on the verge of turning the strike force back when Captain Grierson arrived on scene and reinforced Bondarevsky's position by pushing the strike force onward. The trap was now set for the Kilrathi.

The First Battle of Kilrah

Strike Force Valkyrie penetrated the Kilrah System and immediately launched a reconnaissance sweep composed of Ferrets. They reported twenty five plus Kilrathi fighters (Sartha, Dralthi and several Grikath) and three Kamekh-Class Corvettes on an intercept approach. In the ensuing dogfight the Kilrathi force was destroyed for the loss of one fighter and one seriously damaged.

Assault on Largkza

TCS Intrepid and Kagimasha bombarded Largkza's surface for an hour before eight Sabres and four Rapiers made a anti-point defense strike using new Air-to-Ground Anti-Radar Submunition Missiles. The weapon broke into fifty submunitions and tracked individual radars, radio links, laser trackers, point defense guidance systems, and subspace transmitters. One Sabre was lost before release, however the seven remaining Sabres each released four of the missiles for a total of 1,400 warheads. Hundreds were destroyed before reaching their targets, however hundreds more made it through to destroy Kilrathi point defenses. Jason Bondarevsky launched a single anti-radar missile after the initial strike to catch any Kilrathi systems that had stayed offline.

Ten landing craft carrying the 500 commandos made their assault following the strike by the Tawara's fighters. One was shot down making the landing while the other nine reached the surface to begin their mission. At the same time another group of Dralthi had sortied from Kilrah to intercept the strike force but was stopped by Janice Parker's mixed force of Ferrets and Rapiers.

At this point in the battle Bondarevsky takes a mental tally of kills and losses. Fifty plus Kilrathi fighters destroyed as well as four corvettes. The Tarawa's flight wing had lost five Ferrets, five Rapiers and one Sabre.

The battle waged for another hour with Bondarevsky attacking several ground targets, but Etienne Montclair's Sabres were inflicting the most damage on secondary targets revealed by the marines as they took out phase-shield generating systems. The attack ripped apart barracks and construction areas, the heavy single-missile matter/antimatter warheads tossing up debris twenty kilometers above the moon's surface.

Enter the Crown Prince

Crown Prince Thrakhath was delayed in entering the Kilrah system because the jump had gone awry. Instead of placing his force of one carrier and eight escort ships into the Kilrah system hours ahead of Strike Force Valkyrie, they had jumped into the system beyond Kilrah. As a result they were delayed in reaching Kilrah by several hours and the previous navigator committed Zu'kara in atonement for the error. Thrakhath's other carriers had moved around the flank to cut off escape routes for the Terrans.

When Thrakhath's carrier did jump to the Kilrah system they found Strike Force Valkyrie full engaged in assaulting Largkza. They were screened by an asteroid field and launched Strakhas to interfere with the ongoing operations.

The TCS Tarawa suffered a hit and fires broke out in the Combat Information room disrupting communications between Bondarevsky and the carrier. Captain Grierson on the Intrepid informed Bondarevsky of the situation. They had three and a half hours before the carrier and escorts became a serious threat.

It was at this point that Commodore O'Brian initiated an immediate withdrawal to the jump point. This sparked the final confrontation between him and Bondarevsky over the comm channel. O'Brian was willing to leave the marines and any fighters that did not reach the carrier behind. O'Brian relieved Bondarevsky and placed him under arrest for insubordination. Bondarevsky called him a coward and threatened to kill him once he arrived on the Tarawa. The carrier had already turned away from Largkza and was moving towards full speed when Bondarevsky landed onboard. Bondarevsky told Grierson of the situation and instructed him to cover and rescue as many marines as possible.

Bondarevsky landed on the Tarawa and made his way to the bridge when en route a tremendous explosion shook the carrier. A Kilrathi kamikaze had slammed into the bridge killing everyone, including Commodore O'Brian. Bondarevsky took control of the carrier and had a new bridge set up in flight control overlooking the flight deck. His first order was to get the carrier back into the fight.

Valkyrie on the Run

From the bridge of the TCS Tarawa Jason Bondarevsky was now in de facto command of the strike force. Technically Captain Grierson outranked Bondarevsky, but Grierson deferred to Bondarevsky for the duration of the fighting.

The Tarawa's radar was knocked out by the kamikaze and had to rely on Intrepid for information about Thrakhath's approaching forces. They reported, "The enemy carrier is closing in at flank speed, with a spread of two cruisers and four destroyers forward and two corvettes to the flanks. Will arrive in twenty-seven minutes. We have a second wave of inbound fighters as well, fifty plus."

The Tarawa's flight wing had been reduced to eight Ferrets, eight Rapiers and six Sabres that were still flyable. Damage Control on the Tarawa reported airlocks had been established around the hull breach near the bridge, however the engine room was still cut off from the rest of the ship except for a radio link. The inertial dampening system was out of phase, by less than one thousandth of a second, but it made all maneuvers noticeable. The status of the jump engine was in question as the jump control officer had been killed. The infirmary and forward crew bays were also destroyed. One fifth of the crew had been lost, over a hundred dead and forty wounded.

The marines on Largkza had accelerated their timetable and had begun their pull out. The Intrepid in the mean time had landed on the surface and extracted two landing ship crews before lifting off. One crew was lost while trying to lift off. Two landing craft were to dock with the Intrepid shortly and three remained on the surface about to lift off to rendezvous in orbit.

After briefly recovering fighters for rearmament, Bondarevsky delivered a short speech to the crew and prepared to take onboard the landing craft then lifting off the surface of Largkza. The landing craft carrying Svetlana Ivanova was hit by a heat seeking missile launched from the surface. It lost power and impacted back on the planet. After an emotional exchange between Bondarevsky, Merritt and Ivanova, Ivanova detonated the antimatter mines. The damage to the facilities on Largkza was extensive and Svetlana and the 34 surviving marines were killed in the blast.

Fifty of Tarawa's crew were causalities from the kamikaze strike and the ship itself needed time to effect repairs to its shield generator and jump drive. Bondarevsky knew the jump points would be blocked and found an alternative in a the gas giant, .

This is the end of my edits. Do not alter this text.

Piercing the Heart

The Tarawa succeeded in its assault on Largkza, but lost nearly 100 crew members. The vessel was critically damaged with its Helm, Combat Information Center, Communications, Weapons Control and Damage Control all put out of commission, so Bondarevsky commanded the vessel from the flight deck. With shields inactive, several air leaks, long-range scanners damaged, and the Inertial Dampening System that cloaked the vessel down, Tarawa was defenceless. Desperate to save the vessel, Bondarevsky piloted the vessel to Kilrah's first moon, Igrathi. There, repairs were carried out and then the strike force launched an attack on Kilrah itself when Prince Thrakhath attacked. Tarawa launched a shuttle and a P-64 Ferret light fighter loaded with nuclear weapons to attack Kilrah, but the attack failed when both craft were shot down. One of Tarawa's escorts, the TCS Kagimasha, was destroyed when a Sartha collided with the vessel, killing the entire crew. The Tarawa and the Intrepid used their tractor beams to slingshot around Kilrah by aiming their respective beams at the planet, and then fled to the nearby Baragh System.

Ambush at Baragh

The Tarawa and the Intrepid finally escaped the Kilrathi Fleet at Kilrah and made it back to the Baragh System in the Vukar Tag Sector, where the Battle of Vukar Tag remained in progress. Unfortunately, Tarawa found no respite in this system as it was tracked down by three enemy carriers, one of which launched a torpedo strike that slaughtered 35 crew members. With their sensory and surveillance hopelessly damaged, the Tarawa was forced to rely on the Intrepid to keep their intelligence updated. The Intrepid was destroyed in an act of self-sacrifice when it and its crew encountered a Kilrathi cruiser. Both vessels engaged each other in an exchange of missiles, killing everybody on both ships. Ultimately, the famed TCS Concordia, under the command of Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn, jumped into the system to assist the Tarawa, disguised as a Kilrathi carrier. The Concordia and her fighter wing succeeded in defeating the Kilrathi pursuers, and the surviving forces from Strike Force Valkyrie fled to human space.


Strike Force Valkyrie

  • TCS Tarawa severely damaged
  • Nearly 200 crew members on Tarawa KIA; 30 of 44 pilots KIA.
  • TCS Intrepid Destroyed
  • TCS Kagimasha Destroyed
  • Unknown number of members of First Marine Battalion KIA.

Kilrathi Forces

  • Six Carrier Construction Slips Destroyed
  • Six Carriers Destroyed
  • Cruiser Assembly Facility Destroyed
  • One Orbital Station Destroyed
  • At least one Cruiser Destroyed
  • At least 90 fighters destroyed
  • Over 4,000 Kilrathi Dead


Strike Force Valkyrie suffered significant losses during the attack on Kilrah. Only the TCS Tarawa survived the raid and was so badly damaged that she narrowly avoided decommissioning only by the insistence of Admiral Tolwyn and Jason Bondarevsky. Tarawa also received the unique distinction of having "First to Kilrah" painted on her hull and Bondarevsky was promoted to Captain for his leadership during the raid.

Despite these losses, the devastation to the Kilrathi Home Fleet was far greater. With the loss of six carriers, several construction facilities and over 4,000 naval personnel and soldiers, the First Battle of Kilrah - 2667 was a clear victory for humanity. The attack deprived the Kilrathi Navy of a large amount of irreplaceable equipment and war ships, and it proved to be an enormous humiliation for the Kilrathi as a whole. Humanity regained hope that they would win the war against their enemy, strengthening their resolve and giving humanity an advantage on the battlefield.

The success of the First Battle of Kilrah - 2667 prompted the Terran Confederation to assemble and commission about another dozen Escort Carriers, all of which would participate in deep-space raids on high-profile Kilrathi targets deep within the Kilrathi Empire. Within a year, these strikes effectively rendered the Kilrathi military undermanned and deprived of equipment. By the end of 2668, The Kilrathi Empire was losing the war, forcing its leadership to enact daring plans to destroy humanity before further losses were suffered. This series of events culminated in the return of exiled Baron Jukaga nar Ki'ra, who would turn defeat into victory with the proposal of the 2668 Armistice on 2668.191.

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