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==Mission Briefing==
==Mission Briefing==
'''Mission Briefing. Rostov System, 12:00 hours, 2654.284.
: '''Peter Halcyon
: ''Listen up, people.
: ''The Kilrathi are strengthening their position within this system.
: ''Tactical reports several new bogies jumping in around the system.
: ''We've just gotten a confirmed fix on a Ralari-class destroyer.
: ''Maverick, you and Iceman get this one.
: ''We can't let them keep that kind of firepower at our backs.
: ''Your mission will be to engage the Ralari and destroy it.
: ''We don't have a tactical report of its escort ships, but rest assured they'll be there.
: ''We're counting on you to succeed.
: '''Michael Casey
: ''We'll take her down, sir.
: '''Peter Halcyon
: ''Here's your strike plan...
: ''If the Ralari moves as we expect...
: ''...you should encounter her at Nav 1.
: ''You'll have to fly through an asteroid field...
: ''...but that should allow you a measure of surprise.
: '''Colonel Halcyon assigns the rest of the squadron to investigate other bogies.
: '''Peter Halcyon
: ''...which should provide a safe corridor for our reinforcement ships.
: ''Squadron dismissed.

==Mission Debriefing==
==Mission Debriefing==

[[category:Rostov System]]
[[category:Rostov System]]

Revision as of 16:08, 24 July 2009

Xi Wing
Date 2654.284.1200
Fighter Raptor
Wingmen Michael Casey
Objectives Proceed to Nav 1

Destroy Ralari-Class Destroyer
Return to Tiger's Claw

Previous Gamma Wing (Rostov System)
Next Tau Wing (Rostov System)

Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Preflight Conversations


Hey, Maverick. You look like a man who could use a drink.
I've invented a new drink named for this system...
I call it the Rostov Hairball...
...for all those Kilrathi ships on the rocks out there in the asteroid!
Stop by when you're off duty and we'll have one.

Talk to KNIGHT

Hello, Maverick. Have a seat.
I hear the Kilrathi are hungry for the minerals in those asteroids out there.
My guess is that they'll try to send in some heavier ships...
...so its probably a good idea to hang onto a couple of missiles...
...in case you meet something big in the later stages of a mission.
That way, you'll still have something with punch to throw at the big boys.

Talk to MANIAC

Hey there, Maverick. How's it goin'?
I sure wish that I could see some more action.
But the Commander won't let me on the flight deck.
He's still upset about that 'sport that I accidentally skragged...
Man, it wasn't my fault...I can't control a missile once its launched!
No one can! How am I supposed to stop it from acquiring a Drayman as its target?
Besides, a transport should know enough to stay out of a fighter's way.

Mission Briefing

Mission Briefing. Rostov System, 12:00 hours, 2654.284.

Peter Halcyon
Listen up, people.
The Kilrathi are strengthening their position within this system.
Tactical reports several new bogies jumping in around the system.
We've just gotten a confirmed fix on a Ralari-class destroyer.
Maverick, you and Iceman get this one.
We can't let them keep that kind of firepower at our backs.
Your mission will be to engage the Ralari and destroy it.
We don't have a tactical report of its escort ships, but rest assured they'll be there.
We're counting on you to succeed.
Michael Casey
We'll take her down, sir.
Peter Halcyon
Here's your strike plan...
If the Ralari moves as we expect...
...you should encounter her at Nav 1.
You'll have to fly through an asteroid field...
...but that should allow you a measure of surprise.
Colonel Halcyon assigns the rest of the squadron to investigate other bogies.
Peter Halcyon
...which should provide a safe corridor for our reinforcement ships.
Squadron dismissed.

Mission Debriefing