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==End Game==
==End Game==

'''Campaign Success

''Destroying the remains of the Kilrathi naval power in the sector, the Tiger’s Claw closes in for the kill, and the last Kilrathi planet in the sector falls!
''Destroying the remains of the Kilrathi naval power in the sector, the Tiger’s Claw closes in for the kill, and the last Kilrathi planet in the sector falls!
'''Campaign Failure
''Fleeing from the overwhelming Kilrathi forces in the sector, the Tiger’s Claw manages to jump out. Barely. There’ll be other sectors, other battles…

[[category:Venice System]]
[[category:Venice System]]

Revision as of 12:53, 29 July 2010

Omega Wing
Date 2654.287
Fighter Rapier
Wingmen Ian St. John
Notes Engage and destroy Fralthi-class cruiser near Nav 1.

Proceed to Kilrathi Base.

Previous Phi Wing (Venice System)
Next The Secret Missions 1: Operation Thor's Hammer
Alpha Wing (Goddard System)

Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Next Section: After the Vega Campaign

Preflight Conversations


Hey, Maverick. You hear about Nifelheim and Tartarus?
Our boys have kicked those damn hairballs out of both systems.
They had footage of the ground battle on Tartarus on the trid.
Man, it was great!
Our marines, marchin' through the streets of the biggest Kilrathi colony...
...linin' the fleabags up and loadin' 'em onto prison ships.
They're goin' to ship 'em back to Kilrah, lock, stock, and barrel.
Me, I'd put 'em to work minin' salt or harvestin' fungus...
...but I don't reckon that'd work out too good.
I'm just happy to see 'em bein' sent out of the Sector... we can have a little peace again!
Pity this damn war's cost us so many good people.

Talk to ANGEL

Ah, Major Blair. Bonjour.
I have heard that the Kilrathi have sent all of their best against us now.
Since Venice is the last contested system in the sector...
...we will face the finest pilots they have left to them.
I have been reading the records of their leading aces...
...but it appears that their best known pilots have all died!


Och, lad, I reckon this fight's just about over.
About bloody time, too, that's what I say!
I spent me entire career fightin' the Kilrathi... dinna ken how much it means to me to be here... that we're about to run their fuzzy tails out of the sector!

Mission Briefing

Mission Briefing.Venice System, 13:30 hours, 2654.287.

Peter Halcyon
All right, people, this is the big one.
We've discovered that the enemy base here in the Venice System... the Kilrathi High Command for this entire sector.
We'll be moving in for the final assault on the starbase today.
The Kilrathi will expect us to come in with all of our capital ships.
That means they'll be looking for us in a few hours.
Tactical has determined that if we send in a handful of starfighters...
...we'll be able to hit them before they've gathered around the base.
We'll send several wings to punch through the perimeter to the base.
Here are the assignments for each wing...

The colonel quickly runs through the wings of Black Lion Squadron.

Peter Halcyon
Maverick, you and Hunter will head straight in, along this route...
Computer, display Omega.
Your first objective is the Fralthi-class light cruiser at Nav 1.
She'll have fighter escort as well...
...but you're just to slip past them--don't stick around to dogfight.
Then its on to the Kilrathi base, here at Nav 2.
There will be lots of fighters around the base, but try to ignore them.
You're main objective is to take out that base.

Ian St. John

What are we supposed to take the base out with, anyway, Colonel?
Peter Halcyon
Your missiles. Save them for the base...
...because your ship's guns will be useless against anything that big.
Anyone else?
All right, then. Let's get to work.
Squadron dismissed.

Mission Debriefing

Mission Debriefing. 16:45 hours, 2654.287.

Peter Halcyon
Congratulations, men! You just finished the Kilrathi in Vega Sector!
Ian St. John
Oy, Colonel Don't go all misty on me!
Christopher Blair
Thank you, sir. We were very lucky--
Ian St. John
Now, 'old on there, mate I'd say talent 'ad a bit to do with it as well!
Peter Halcyon
No false modesty, Major. You're entitled to be proud of what you've done.
Christopher Blair
I suppose it was pretty impressive, wasn't it, sir?
Peter Halcyon
I'd say so. You're the guest of honor at a little ceremony upstairs!
Ian St. John
At's the spirit, Maverick! Let's go see Shotglass for a little celebration!
Peter Halcyon
Not so fast, there, Hunter...
You two are the guests of honor at a little ceremony upstairs!

Hangar Deck. 17:00 hours, 2654.287.

Peter Halcyon
In consideration of his valorous service to Humanity,
leading the forces of the Confederation against the Empire of Kilrah, taking a decisive role in the Vega Sector Campaign,
and commanding the squadron which accomplished the pivotal victory, in the Venice system,
on or about 2654.287, the Terran Confederation is proud to present the Medal of Valour to Major Blair.
History shall number you among the greatest heroes of Humanity.
Good job, Maverick. Congratulations.
Christopher Blair
Thank you, sir.

Filled with pride, Maverick meets the applause of his fellows.

End Game


Destroying the remains of the Kilrathi naval power in the sector, the Tiger’s Claw closes in for the kill, and the last Kilrathi planet in the sector falls!