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== Source Art ==
= Source Art =


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Marine Boarding Protocol
Book Wing Commander Confederation Handbook
Previous Pilot Reviews: CS Tiger Claw
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Pages 70-77



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M-462 Confed Marine Corps SOP Document


A boarding operation is an operation wherein a boarding party is inserted into a vessel known or suspected to be under enemy control, with an objective of securing or sabotaging said vessel.

A boarding party is a combat detail (consisting of one or more boarding squads) assigned to carry out a boarding operation.

A boarding squad is an operational unit consisting of three to five armored fire teams plus one OIC and one Hospital Corpsman.

A fire team is a team of two armored marines.

The OIC (officer in charge) is an officer or senior NCO assigned command authority over a boarding squad.


A boarding operation must be declared by the captain of a ship-in-space, or the base commander of a permanent installation. The captain/commander will then appoint a Marine, Naval or Space Force officer as Mission Commander for the operation. The Mission Commander shall be responsible for tactical coordination of the operation, to include selection of forces and assignment and prioritization of mission objectives. All decisions by the Mission Commander are subject to review and approval by the ship’s captain/base commander.

The Mission Commander may serve as OIC of a boarding squad, or may coordinate the operation from a tactical command center (usually located at or near the point of ingress into the vessel being boarded). The former option is most appropriate to small operations, while the latter is preferable for very large-scale operations.


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Where possible, a heavy demolition team should be held in reserve to support the boarding party as needed (see SOP Doc. M-531, Shipboard Demolition Operations). Heavy demo teams may facilitate ingress through strong structural barriers, and may also be instrumental in the sabotage or destruction of the boarded vessel, if those goals are part of the mission plan.

In missions where control of the enemy vessel is an objective, a prize crew (selected by the captain/base commander) should be held in reserve.

Boarding parties may enter the enemy ship from a friendly cap ship, troop transport shuttle or other delivery craft. The commander of this delivery craft shall have full authority at any time to disengage from the enemy ship, should the tactical situation make it prudent to do so. This discretionary authority exists independent of whether the boarding party has been successfully recovered from the enemy vessel. All combat operations shall be conducted by Marine fire teams in accordance with the procedures outlined in SOP Doc. M-121, Shipboard Tactical Combat.

The following priorities are recommended for boarding operations designed to establish control of an enemy vessel.

1. Secure the bridge(s).
2. Secure the engine room(s).
3. Secure all weapons control areas.
4. Neutralize any remaining enemy resistance.


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Standard Issue Equipment for Boarding Parties


C-524 Space Armor consists of a pressure suit molded from rubberized plastic reinforced with monofilament polymers. The interior of the suit houses a life-support system providing for air recirculation, temperature regulation and insulation, radiation shielding, and bodily waste elimination and storage. The exterior of the suit is bonded to polymer armor plates protecting primary target areas.

Space Armor is a single-piece unit that is donned via an aperture on the left side, extending from hip to neck. This aperture is protected with a doublesealed molecular bonding strip controlled by a stud on the interior collar of the suit. For added safety, the C-512 Combat Helmet cannot be attached to the suit until the suit is sealed, and the seal cannot be released until the helmet is removed.

The suit (including all plates and life-support equipment) weighs 2.4 kg, and can be folded for storage into a self-contained pouch measuring 29 x 24 x 14 cm. Two sealable, external thigh-pockets are provided for small item storage, and a pouch below the right arm contains a standard emergency patch kit. Additional capacity for equipment or armaments may be mounted to a C-545 External Web Harness (optional for boarding parties).


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The C-532 Life Support Pack is a sealed, integrated unit designed to support human life under combat conditions for up to seven hours. It incorporates a seven-hour air supply (six-hour regular tank plus one-hour ancillary emergency tank) with circulation fans, a one-quart water tank, heater/coolant unit and 72-hour power supply. The entire unit is protected by a half inch of polymer armor overall.

The climate-control system is rated for continuous operation from -43 to 98 degrees centigrade (used in conjunction with undamaged C-524 Space Armor & C-512 Combat Helmet).

The C-532 connects to the C-512 Combat Helmet via an umbilicus hose of monofilament-reinforced plastic, and to the C-524 Space Armor via direct mount. Either connection is sufficient to sustain life support (although strenuous activity is not recommended if only the direct mount linkage is in use, as oxygen deprivation can result). There is also a recessed emergency umbilicus stored in an armored compartment behind the right shoulder, which can be deployed if the primary umbilicus is damaged, or to allow a second individual to use the same C-532 unit under emergency conditions. Connectors for the air tanks, water tanks and power supply recharge are located in a sealed, armored compartment at the unit’s base. All three operations can be conducted while the unit is in use, given access to appropriate pumping/charging equipment. Weight (with full air and water tanks) 8.4 kg. Dimensions 41 x 32 x 20 cm.


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The C-512 Combat Helmet is an integrated imaging/communications/life support/protective unit. The basic shell is a 3 cm thickness of polymer armor, including the visor, which is a fiberoptically clarified polymer. It is fully insulated and shielded. The fiberoptic visor provides automatic glare and flash protection, plus infrared imaging and light-enhancement options. It can also generate up to two floating HUDs capable of displaying text or schematics. Visor underlighting is provided for illumination.

Its voice-activated, 40-channel communications system with integral antenna is rated for a range of up to 8000 kilometers across open space.

A water nipple is accessible to the right of the visor, and a pill dispenser capable of dispensing pain-killers, stimulants, anti-rad or anti-agent medications is accessible to the left. A micro-processor is capable of slotting up to four data, targeting or navigation cards. The unit is powered with a rechargeable power cell rated for 48 hours continuous operation at maximum output.

Weight 4.3 kg. Dimensions 35 x 33 x 30 cm.


The standard assault weapon of all ship-based Confed forces, the C-47 Assault Rifle incorporates a ballistic rifle and an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle fires an explosive 2.3 mm caseless projectile along a tight-beam magnetic field. The grenade launcher fires magnetically accelerated 3.5 cm concussion micro-grenades.


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As a rifle, the C-47 can be set to single fire, three- or fiveround burst fire, or fully automatic fire. (The grenade launcher is singleshot only.)

A dual-feed magazine holds 100 projectiles and 20 micro-grenades. (An optional bananaclip magazine can hold 175 projectiles and 30 micro-grenades.) The magnetic accelerator is powered with a sealed rechargeable power cell mounted in the butt, rated for 25,000 individual firings. The C-47 should be carried by all fire-team members in boarding operations. Officers may carry the C-47 or the C-244 Pistol. Weight (fully loaded, standard clip) 5.1 kg. Dimensions 88 cm x 21 cm x 7 cm.


The C-244 Pistol is the standard shipboard sidearm for Confed forces. It fires an explosive 2.3 mm caseless projectile along a tightbeam magnetic field. It can be set to fire single shots or 3-round bursts.

Clips are mounted in the grip, and have a capacity of 100 rounds. The magnetic accelerator is powered with a sealed rechargeable power cell rated for 25,000 individual firings. The power cell is mounted in the grip, above the ammo bay. On boarding operations it should be carried by all medics, and may be carried by officers in lieu of the C-47.

Weight (fully loaded) 1.7 kg. Dimensions 19 cm x 11 cm x 6 cm.


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The C-275 Utility Knife is a beryllium-carbon alloy blade mounted into a hardened stenplas handle. The handle has a shaped grip for combat with a stenplas handguard, and the knife is balanced for throwing. In addition to combat use, the C-275 has number of utility uses (for digging or scraping, or use as a wedge or lever). A titanium strike plate mounted on the end of the handle allows it to be used as a striking surface. The C-275 should be carried by all members of a boarding party, including fire teams, medics, and officers.

Weight .8 kg. Dimensions 40 x 6 x 2 cm.


The C-643 Shaped Satchel Charge is a selfadhesive, shaped, timed explosive device. It is designed to blow hatches and other light barriers, but may also be used against personnel. The C-643’s timer may be set for a 5- to 60-second delay. A back-up timer has a fixed 10-second delay, and may also be used with a trip-wire trigger— when the trip-wire is set, the 10-second delay is activated, and at the end of that time any further disturbance to the trigger will ignite the device.

Due to the shaping of the explosive force, personnel may safely remain as close as 5 meters to the rear of a C-643 explosion. However, a distance of at least 25 meters is recommended, due to the possibility of ancillary damage and debris.

One C-643 should be carried by each fire team not already carrying a C-884.

Weight .8 kg. Dimensions 12 x 12 x 5 cm.


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The C-884 Medium Cutting Torch is a tripod-mounted laser cutting torch designed for cutting through non-reinforced bulkheads and airlocks. In emergencies, the C-884 can be used as a short-range anti-personnel weapon. The C-884 has a structural cutting range of 2 meters, and an offensive range of about 7 meters. The tripod mount is adjustable in height, from .1 meter to 1.6 meters above the deck. The unit is powered by a sealed, rechargeable power cell, and can sustain up to 1 hour of continuous operation.


Source Art