Mass driver cannon

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Mass Driver
Type cannon

The Gatling mass driver cannon or mass driver cannon is an energy projectile weapon used by the Terran Confederation and Kilrathi fleets. It is a reliable medium range, medium damage weapon which caused minimal heat build-up and power drain. Mass driver cannons are found on the Scimitar, Raptor and Gratha. They are featured in both Weapons of the Terran and Kilrathi Fleets and “Borger’s All The Sector’s Weapons Systems”. Variants include the Mk. 30A mass driver cannon.

Wing Commander

Claw Marks

Joan's Fighting Spacecraft – Vega Sector Supplement for 2654.092

The basic fighter weapon – medium range, medium damage, nothing special. The mass driver cannon is reliable and accurate. Heat build-up and power drain are minimal, though lasers and neutron guns are more effective in certain situations.

Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi

Joan's Fighting Spacecraft 2664.128 Update

This blaster is the basic fighter weapon – reliable, accurate at medium range, capable of moderate damage. Heat build-up and power drain are minimal.

Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger

Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom


Wing Commander: Academy

Weapons of the Terran and Kilrathi Fleets

The Scimitars and Raptors were equipped with mass driver cannons, the only weapon in the Terran arsenal where explosive power is not affected by the distance from the target. While one must be within 3,000 mrrs to hit a target, the effect of a hit with this gun is the same at 500 mrrs as it is at 2000 mrrs. The effectiveness of the lasers and neutrons decreases the farther away you get from your target. The mass driver packs more of a punch than the laser cannon and takes more blaster power for each shot.

Mass driver. Effective at medium ranges, for average damage, the mass driver depletes blaster power a bit more quickly than a lser cannon. Although laser cannon and neutron guns may be more effective in certain situations, mass drivers can always be employed with good results.

Wing Commander: Armada

Voices of War

Gunnery Officer's Report

A mass driver has medium range, good accuracy and applies medium damage. Heat buildup and power drain are minimal, and the damage potential remains constant within the cannon's range. Though other types of cannons have evolved, the mass driver remains a solid weapon in any situation.

Wing Commander: Prophecy


Mass Driver

This weapon uses a linear accelerator to fire projectiles of metallic mass at a target. A long-range gun, it requires less energy per shot than most blasters and has a relatively fast refire rate.

Charging Mass Driver

Upgraded from previous versions, this weapon incorporates a “choke” setting. A thinner choke yields a higher rate of fire and uses less energy, but does less damage at shorter range. A wider choke inflicts more damage and has a longer range, but takes more energy and has a slower refire rate. The dynamics of the mass driver’s adjustability are determined by the length of time you hold down the trigger.

Wing Commander I & II: The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Using Your Ship's Guns

The Scimitars and Raptors were equipped with the mass driver cannon, the only weapon in the Terran arsenal where explosive power is not affected by the distance from the target. While you must be within 3,000 mrrs to hit a target, the effect of a hit with this gun is the same at 500 mrrs as it is at 2000 mrrs. The effectiveness of the lasers and neutrons decreases the farther away you get from your target. The mass driver packs more of a punch than the laser cannon and takes more blaster power for each shot.

Origin's Official Guide to Wing Commander IV

Mass driver
Type Gun
Damage 45
Range 2 secs duration
Acceleration 1200
Refire Rate 0.3 sec
Energy Rating 25 nJ
Source Origin's Official Guide to Wing Commander IV

Wing Commander Prophecy: The Official Strategy Guide

Gunnery Officer's Report

Charging Mass Driver
Type Gun
Damage 300
Range 3600 m
Acceleration 2200
Refire Rate 2.5 sec
Energy Rating 85 nJ
Source Wing Commander Prophecy: The Official Strategy Guide

Charging Mass Driver

Some pilots also refer to this as an "Adjustable" Mass Driver. The mass and velocity of the projectile varies according to the "choke" setting – how long you charge the Driver before you release it. It takes approximately 1.5 seconds to get the full charge.
The Mass Driver uses energy as its ammo supply, so it is virtually unlimited. When the pilot holds down the trigger, the driver essentially knits together the raw material on a molecular level and supercharges it with kinetic energy. When the trigger is released, the projectile is launched and speeds away in direct, unguided flight.
Continuing to charge the shell used to result in a dangerous power surge in earlier versions of the Charging Mass Driver. Pilots who had lost their target lock and maxed out their Mass Driver, released it and started again. 2680's models do not have this design flaw and slowly bleed off excess energy after you reach maximum charge.

Mass Driver (2680s)
Type gun
Damage 35
Range 2000 m
Acceleration 3600
Refire Rate .3 sec
Energy Rating 12 nJ
Source Wing Commander Prophecy: The Official Strategy Guide

Mass Driver

The Mass Driver is a simpler, safer version of the Charging Mass Driver. It knits together a projectile of limited size and with only a certain amount of "charge". There is no danger of overloading your ship's system, but as could be expected, it doesn't stand much of a chance of knocking out your target's shields in one shot, either.
Note that the maximum range is much shorter than the Charging Mass Driver.