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E3b: Luyten 06.XZ : Cruiser Remains

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Patrol all NAV points.

Rendezvous with Confed convoy

Escort and defend friendly ships

Bonus ObjectivesEliminate 50% of enemy fighters

Your Ship "Black" Panther

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing : Spyder (Wing leader), Stiletto, Amazon. Lady Luck, Star Of Xanady, Lonesome Wind (transports), TCS Bannockburn (Plunkett) and 8 Thunderbolts at NAV 3.

Briefing. Our failure to preserve Luyten station has left us without the resources necessary to assault the alien blockade in this system. Cerberus will evade to a position near the jump to Sirius. Confederate forces in Sirius have sent reinforcements to this new position. Patrol these points, rendezvous with the incoming ships and escort them safely to Cerberus.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 5 Moray

5 Skate

5 Stingray

NAV 2 - 14 Moray

2 Manta

NAV 3 - 6 Moray

8 Skate

4 Manta

2 Devil Ray

NAV 4 - 6 Skate

4 Moray

2 Manta

1 Devil Ray



  • Defending the friendly capships is no problem - nothing can destroy them. That's one less objective you have to worry about.
  • Getting hit by one of the big guns on the Plunkett isn't quite as bad as being hit by Cerberus' BFG but still a bad idea. When a shot flies past you, break off your attack and put some distance between yourself and the enemy.


Success / Failure go to E4b