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A1a: Courage 80.2 - Scramble / Ambush

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Defend the Cerberus

Your Ship "Black" Wasp

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing(Panthers) : Spyder (Wing leader), Amazon, Stilleto

Briefing. There is no briefing, this is a scramble

Alien Forces

Cerberus NAV -

Wave 1

2 Barracuda

2 Skate

4 Manta

2 Lamprey

Wave 2

4 Lamprey

4 Skate

4 Moray

2 Skate B



  • Engage your booster as soon as possible right at the start of the mission. If engage too late you might ram one of the other ships or fly straight past them all together.
  • Leave the Barracudas until the end of the mission. They pose little threat as long as you stay out of their gun sight.
  • At the end of the mission, if your wingmen haven't the Barracudas down already you can expend your ordnance on them, or let the Cerberus BFG do its thing.


Success / Failure and Success in A1 go to A2a. Success / Failure and Failure in A1 go to A2b.