Cyberion has whipped up a neat promo video for the WC Pioneer fan project. Since there's not a lot of footage of the game itself, he's created some of his own material and mixed it with Howard Day's Salthi model/animation. "Soon" at the end is an optimistic guess on Cyberion's part, but it would be nice You can grab the 26 meg xvidhere.
Deacan is up to Part 97 in his online Das Erwachen postings, so that means there are less than 100 pages left to go. As Book 1 gets wrapped up there, his thoughts have turned to an actual print run of Book 2 in his Privateer 2-themed fan novel series. There are a variety of costs involved, but Deacan thinks it's worth it to see his writing in print - and fans of the series might be able to get their own hard copies as a bonus. If this might be something you're interested in, head over to and let him know.
So, if you ever dream about seeing your novel inside of a store without having any big deal with a massive publisher, you will find yourself inside of an big adventure. Is it worth it? I think so.
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