Play Whole Kilrathi Saga From One Disc Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Are you fed up with having to change CDs in order to install and play the Kilrathi Saga? Forums member Mash has just the solution for you: copy everything on to one DVD. You can even have it automatically install the WC1/2 expansions. There is a touch of tweaking to do in order to get this working, but it's nothing that the average user can't handle. Simply copy all of the files and folders from the CDs to a temporary directory, rename the files as instructed, edit a single file, then copy the whole lot to disc. For full instructions read this post and this post.

Clive Owen Shoots 'Em Up Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Rick Salemi reports that Privateer 2 star Clive Owen is starring in a movie called "Shoot 'Em Up" which is due for release later this year. While it has what is possibly one of the most terrible titles ever, the movie's plot is described as "A man named Mr. Smith (Owen) delivers a woman's baby during a shootout, and is then called upon to protect the newborn from the army of gunmen." We'll keep an eye on this one and see how well it performs.

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