Fleet Complete In P2 CCG Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Deacon has announced that his team has completed integrating all the ships from Privateer 2 into his spinoff card game. After a smattering of Chirichan, Papogod and Kindred craft were added, the final design was the massive Krono. Planets and stations are up next on the schedule, and then the focus will turn to smaller planet-side establishments.
The Krono was the flagship of the Kindred. She was one of the largest and most heavily armored capital ships in the Tri-System. The Krono had a flight deck capable of carrying a complement of fighters and transports. She was commissioned - and named - specifically for The Kindred's crazed leader, Sar Ricaud (aka "Kronos"). Only one Krono-class ship was built. She was destroyed by the CIS in 2790, during a failed operation to assassinate Shiela Nabakov. Many have observed that the Krono-class bears a striking resemblance to the Nephilim Tiamat-class dreadnaughts which terrorized human space a hundred odd years earlier.

License to Thunderkill Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Amazon has posted the title for the second book in Wing Commander alumni Peter Telep's "The Mercenaries" series: Thunderkill. The book, written under the pen name P.W. Storm, will be released on August 1st, 2007. These series tells the story of a group of mercenaries who become involved in modern day conflicts around the world. The first novel, Blood Diamonds, came out last November to positive reviews. You can read more about Mr. Telep's recent novels here.

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