BREAKING NEWS: Second Replay? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Could a sequel to EA Replay already be in the wings? That's the going rumor: several online retailers, including GameStop and Barnes and Noble, now list "EA Replay 2" as forthcoming. The placeholder entries list a February 19th release date and an MSRP of $29.99. It may seem vague at this point, but keep in mind that this is exactly how the first Replay was discovered back in late August!

What could a second retro package include? The Electronic Arts vaults have plenty of other Genesis and Super Nintendo ports that could be easily converted for such a collection... including a number of titles developed at Origin, like Metal Morph and Ultima: The Savage Empire. There is also a SegaCD port of Wing Commander I, which features full speech and better graphics than the current PSP/SNES release.

Late in the development of the original Replay, we contacted the team to let them know that EA had a never-released Wing Commander 2 SNES port lost somewhere in its archives (details). It's a faint hope, at best, but the amount of promotion the first Replay gave to Wing Commander indicates that there's a clear interest!

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