Homeworld Mod Gets Wing Commander User Interface Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Aaron Thomas is still chugging along at full steam on the WC4 Homeworld 2 mod. He's successfully upgraded the interface and HUD from the default to a Wing Commander inspired design. Since the game doesn't support different layouts for different factions, he's combined elements from the Confederation and Border World schemes into his design. Here are a variety of Confed ships (and one Black Lance shot) with the new user interface. The changes help improve the overall look and feel quite a bit. In terms of general progress, Aaron's about 70% done integrating Wing Commander sound effects, and the Border Worlds faction is about 90% complete. You can help provide feedback over at Crius.net.

Saga Customizes Wing Commander HUD Too Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The WC Saga team has posted several shots that detail the tweaks they've made to the HUD. Although it is very similar to the original Freespace interface (pictured third), you can see variations in almost every element that make them more closely resemble their Wing Commander counterparts. There are different color schemes available, and individual components can be customized on their own to the player's preference.

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