DragonCon From The Hotel Room Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The CIC Webcam has quickly become a popular tradition during our annual fan gathering at DragonCon. Along with a few submissions from sharp viewers, we've collected a brief look at the convention from the camera's point of view. Just one corner of one of our hotel rooms is visible, but it's kind of neat to see what goes on at just one location during a busy event like this. You can find the Webcam Gallery here. Regular DragonCon 2005 pictures are available here.

The Last Crusader (Or: Silencer of the Lambs) Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Origin and Wing Commander veteran Mark Vittek (namesake of the TCS Vittek) is selling something on eBay that may be of interest to Wing Commander fans: a 60" standup advertising Crusader: No Remorse. Origin produced a similar standup of Col. Blair to promote Wing Commander IV, which was advertised around the same time. Blair shows up for auction every once in a while... but I've never seen a Silencer before! You can find the auction, which ends in two days, here. Good luck!

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