Pictures From The Last Day In Atlanta Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The final day's picture gallery from DragonCon 2005 is now available. There was lots of packing and cleaning as we all prepared to travel home. The elevators ground to a halt with thousands of people simultaneously leaving, so we had to take the stairs down to the lobby. After we registered our convention passes for next year, our last group headed to the airport. Most of us even caught our flights. Frosty got roughed up in the security tank, but eventually we all made it home. I can't wait for next year! You can check out our Day Four gallery here.

We're All Going To Die Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

In the Wing Commander universe, a number of events took place that set back the war effort considerably or brought the Confederation to the brink of destruction. Other events caused devastation on a much more local scale. Our new poll asks which disaster you think is the worst.

According to our previous poll, many of our visitors have been around for five years or more. A good few have been keeping up with Wing Commander news for nearly a decade. We still pick up new people all the time and 2004 was our busiest year yet. Thanks for visiting!

Previous polls can be found in the archive.

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