Thank you all who attended our Birthday celebration in #Wingnut this year. We peaked at 94 guests there, but about 150-200 filtered in throughout the night. I know some people had schedule conflicts and some people were living in Brazil at the time of the event, and we appreciate your support anyways. There will be other events in the future, and there's no need to wait until August 10, 2005. #Wingnut and are always open. We gave twice as many prizes this year, and the winners should contact us to receive them.
Prize - Winner
- Autographed Maniac Photo from Prophecy - PeteyG
- Game Boy Advance with Prophecy Advance - Moonsword
- Wing Commander 4 DVD Edition - akula64, johndmes, Lehah, CasperXJ, Bob, Worf, Venca, Wildfire, Wedge, cmonninch3057
- CIC Glasses - Death, Lehah, Rance, Haess, Filler, Tarquinn - KillerWolf, Tolwyn, jasonr, AA78, No_Regret, Wodball, Haesslich, Shotglass, Ketsu-Kun, Sig11, Trelane, Tye
- CIC Playing Cards - cmonnich3057, TheFraix, Ruadrim, Ralgath, poopnoodle, Shades, Halman, Asher Cross, Worf
- CIC Polo Shirt (include size) - PeteyG, MajorStriker
- WC Movie Long Sleeve (size L) - PeteyG, Ralgath, Bob
- WC Movie Soundtrack CD - Quarto, Dundradal
- WC Movie Poster - Telekon, Teonnym
- WC Prophecy Poster - Omega280, Wedge
- WC Movie DVD - Bob
- Wing Commander 2 (DOS OEM) - Ranger, Halman
- CIC Pens (10) - Akula
- Star Trek Games (BLHQ) - Twigboy
- Amazon.cpm $25 Gift ((BLHQ) - Gigaplow
- End Run Novel - Wedge
- Fleet Action Novel - Darkpetzi
- Blair Flight Suit Action Figure - Mad_Cow
- Kilrathi General Action Figure - LordVader
- Marine Blair Action Figure - Powell99
If your name is listed contact us with a good mailing address. Let us know if there's any discrepancy with the above data. A couple people have leftover prizes from previous events (Wedge, Natanya, THP). Feel free to send me an email if you're one of these people, otherwise I will try to send to what I have on file when the next batch goes out. If the item you won is a duplicate with something you already own, you can substite either a CIC Glass or deck of Playing Cards.
If you attended our sixth birthday party, then here's you chance to relive the fun. Or if you didn't make it to the party then don't worry, we still love you, but perhaps you'll try harder next year after seeing what you've missed. The logs of the fun of a couple of nights back are now online. You can choose from either the regular log which runs from 10pm GMT until 4am GMT, or the short version which runs from 11pm GMT until 3am GMT. Times in the log are Pacific time (GMT-7).
About half a dozen cool birthday updates didn't reach us in time or fell between the cracks in the pre-party chaos. Check in over the next couple days to see some great stuff people prepared for us!
With all the party commotion, we didn't get a chance to list the top winners of CIC Trivia Game 5. Here's the top ten. The top four players win a pack of CIC Playing Cards. The rest of the top ten receive a CIC Pen.
- 1) Anton "Tolwyn" Romanyuk
- 1) Black Joker
- 1) Bob McDob
- 1) Viper61
- 5) Edward "Haesslich" Pang
- 6) TheFraix
- 7) Wedge009
- 8) Shades
- 9) PeteyG
- 10) Powell994
Email us with your address to claim your prize. Players Anxiety, Jarlath Drake and Longshot were randomly selected to also win a CIC pen.
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