Joe Garrity, curator of the Origin Museum and good friend to the CIC is suffering from a burst appendix... he'll be allright, but he's in pain and it was probably pretty dashed scary for a while. He'll be recovering for quite a while... so give him an e-mail or drop a note at his wwwboard to cheer him up! Hope you feel better soon!
There's a lot of pointless personal conflict that drags down any online community -- from something as understandable as Ultima Online to something as pointless as webcomics. The Wing Commander fanbase is sadly no exception. Read this article to find out why we're not going to take it anymore.
The WCDC is back -- once again providing a comprehensive resource for promoting fan projects... they offer downloads and 'how to' style tutorials tailored for the hard-working fan project worker. To start, they've posted a new article titled "How to Convert a Model to the Vision Engine". Heady stuff!
Hey, where's the Privateer 2 update?! Unfortunately, I'm doing the news from work today -- and I forgot to forward myself my list of P2 missions. So if you're waiting for a new P2 mission... you're out of luck. But I promise a double-dose tomorrow, for all those who love them ever so much (we know who you are, Gary).
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