Movie Site Delayed Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Dan from Dan's Wing Commander Movie Site (I am so going to miss saying that) reports that the official Wing Commander Movie site may be delayed a bit longer. Be sure to note that the delay isn't Dan's fault -- his job is basically complete, he's just waiting on Digital Anvil. Apparenty they want different screenshots used, as well as a different version of the trailer. The current version reportedly uses some unauthorized music. Dan himself has completed the site design, and without even having seen it I can pretty much assuredly say that it's going to rule.

Yet Another DVD Kit Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Gamespot reports that Creative Labs' new 5X Encore DVD kit includes Wing Commander IV DVD. The 5X Encore is Creative's newest version of their kickass Encore DVD. Owning one of the originals myself, I can vouch for its high quality as well as the incredible coolness of WCIV DVD. Check out Gamespot's writeup here. Future Creative DVD products will include Wing Commander Prophecy DVD.

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