Come and Get It! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The second trailer is now up at the Secret Ops website. This kicks off the fiction for Episode One. Stay tuned in the coming days formore fiction and the big download on Thursday. It's an amazing opening to Secret Ops. The rest of the site has minor and major upgrades as well, there is much more to see and do. If you are having difficulties viewing the trailer, go to and save the file to your hard drive. It should then play normally when viewed through your web browser. The Registration Button is lit at the site now as well, however Origin is still in the process of getting the site fully online. We'll have more in the coming hours, stay tuned.

The Basics Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Yes, today is the 24 of August. And yes, we're expecting Episode One fiction today. Everyone remember that Origin is in the US and that most of the world is in later timezones. Even in their own time zone, Origin does not release things until the late afternoon or early evening usually. Don't flood anywhere with "Where is it!?!" questions, please calmly wait. We'll have an announcement here if anything changes. In other news, keep checking back here, we'd like to have at least one special new CIC related thing up later today.

Belated Happy Confederation Day Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Long live the Confederation! Yesterday was the largest holiday celebrated around the Confederation, in honor of the creation of Confed. The first major fleet action of the Kilrathi War also took place on Confederation Day in 2634.

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