Bandit LOAF
Long Live the Confederation!
That's fantastic, thank you very much! All of the in flight stuff now loads fine in WCVIew. Looks like the menu/UI has a different pallette but this is a great start.
<FontBlock BackgroundColor="0" ForegroundColor="15">
<GlyphItem />
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem001.gif" />
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem130.gif" /><!--035 # -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem131.gif" /><!--036 $ -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem132.gif" /><!--037 % -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem133.gif" /><!--038 & -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem039.gif" />
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem135.gif" /><!--040 ( -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem136.gif" /><!--041 ) -->
<SymbolItem Text="Test: #$%& ()" /><!-- éâäà çê -->
<SymbolItem Text="Example: ...parler au Prince Thrakhath en t)te-&-t)te" /><!-- tête-à-tête -->
Have you made any headway on figuring out Wing Commander Academy's executable?
I haven't looked into the Academy executable, but since the weapon format is familiar, I just quickly pulled it out.
I do not know how to insert new font for test.
To edit content, use XML Unpack instead, make changes and then use XML Pack to recreate the game data files.
1. Unpack the fonts, from the command line: WC1Xml.exe FONTS.FNT; this will extract all the font glyphs (characters) as images.
2. Edit the glyphs of the first font (from Block 0).
1. Edit individual images corresponding to the specific position of each character. For the characters you have indicated, you can use ISO-8859-1 encoding (Western European); you can find tables that list the positions of characters. For example, the character "é" is at position 233; so you would modify the image: FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-Font-Glyph233.gif.
3. Once the edits are complete, pack the font, from the command line: WC1Xml.exe FONTS.FNT.XML.
Keep in mind that the font must be limited to ASCII, in other words limited to the first 128 characters. Since the WCToolbox uses XML, this also imposes an additional limitation excluding control characters; so only printable characters.
I must replace a sign with a letter? For example: '[' --> 'é', ']' --> 'è', '#' --> 'ç', etc.
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem089.gif" /><!-- Y -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem090.gif" /><!-- Z -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem091.gif" /><!-- [ -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem089.gif" /><!-- Y -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem090.gif" /><!-- Z -->
<GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem130.gif" /><!-- é -->
Not ideal, but workable.
line 94: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem089.gif" /><!-- Y -->
line 95: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem090.gif" /><!-- Z -->
line 96: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem091.gif" /><!-- [ -->
line 97: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem092.gif" />
line 98: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem093.gif" /><!-- ] -->
line 94: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem089.gif" /><!-- Y -->
line 95: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem090.gif" /><!-- Z -->
line 96: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem130.gif" /><!-- é -->
line 97: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem092.gif" />
line 98: <GlyphItem file="FONTS.FNT-FontBlock000-GlyphItem138.gif" /><!-- è -->
In your opinion for voice + subtitles in SO1 and SO2 add-ons. It is possible or not?
WC2.EXE, file size: 363696; pos: 307112; from B0 01 --> B0 00
SO1.EXE, file size: 363600; pos: 306584; from B0 01 --> B0 00
SO2.EXE, file size: 354400; pos: 312584; from B0 01 --> B0 00
rectangularregion 1 29 1 1
inputfile NETFONTR.SHP.PNG # ascii @ (0x40)
rectangularregion 7 25 4 5
inputfile NETFONTR.SHP.PNG # ascii A (0x41)
rectangularregion 13 25 3 5
inputfile NETFONTR.SHP.PNG # ascii B (0x42)