Which planet?


Rear Admiral
The Goddard system is confirmed to have had two populated planets, Goddard I and Goddard II. Which one was destroyed in 2654?

Also, do we know anything of the second colony?
Where was this confirmed? I believe the planet destroyed in The Secret Missions was Goddard II; I don't know of any reference to inhabitants on Goddard I.

Years later, Goddard's moon Stelkta was inhabited.
You have to understand that there's just blanks in what can be known. You can make some guesses about how the system may have been sparsely populated, besides the main colony, based on how the Tiger's Claw was not hearing from anyone there, but even that can't be known for sure (communications could have been destroyed/jammed).

As part of any artistic story process, the author makes references to things. So the colony was on the second or third planet in the Goddard System - there should be no expectation that we know details about the other planets. In many cases we do know those kinds of things, but in most cases we don't.