What do we really want?

What do you want most in a WC game?

  • Improved Graphics

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Improved Sound / Music

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Multiplayer

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • Resolution to the end of Prophecy

    Votes: 20 43.5%
  • Resolution to what happened to "You Know Who"

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • The return of the Intrepid's helmswoman (from WC4)

    Votes: 5 10.9%

  • Total voters


212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
I was wondering whats the most important thing for you people in the next WC game.
Well personally I wouldn't mind, having wcIV running again. For whatever reason it seems to hate my soundcard now a days. which is strange seeing it's the same one I've always had :confused: .
I want it to play like Prophey did, but I want a wide variety of mindblowing missions, original stuff that you never expect, not just go from one nav point, kill stuff, next nav point, kill stuff, next nav point, kill stuff and head home.
Originally posted by Dekkar
Well personally I wouldn't mind, having wcIV running again. For whatever reason it seems to hate my soundcard now a days. which is strange seeing it's the same one I've always had :confused: .
Which sound card do you have?
Originally posted by Supdon3
I want it to play like Prophey did, but I want a wide variety of mindblowing missions, original stuff that you never expect, not just go from one nav point, kill stuff, next nav point, kill stuff, next nav point, kill stuff and head home.

kinda aiming pretty low there, ehh buddy. Choosing the worst of all the WC games as the one that this should play like,
What are you talking about? It had the gameplay of WC1/2 with the graphics of today. Prophecy had the best gameplay yet.
Best gameplay yet is a pretty easily argued point, as it's clearly a matter of taste. One thing that I find strange however is your comment that it has the gameplay of wc1/2. I find the gameplay of wc1 and wc2 fairly different, I'd probably say wcIV has the gameplay of wc2 and that prophecy has the gameplay of wc1.
Wc2/wcIV both play very fast, if you crank the throttle there's always a good chance you would ram into another ship and blow up, missiles tend to be instantly fatal, in both missiles tend to be dominant over guns, meanwhile guns will still rip ships apart fairly fast. Wc1/prophecy tends to be a bit slower , despite lots of enemy. Guns seem to be the dominant weapon, there's a lot less worry about high speed collision, and there are strange large enemy ships that while posing little threat take quite a beating.
I've always preferred the wc2/wciV style myself.

My soundcard is just an old 'soundblaster 16' it used to work fine, so it's clearly a software issue. My video is choppy and then it crashes after loading up a mission.
Considering WC1/2 is the same engine and WC3/4 are the same engine thats a weird statement to make. To me Prophecy felt like they took WC1/2 and made it polygons instead of sprites. I had no problem jumping from WC2 to Prophecy, while when I tried to play WC3 the first time I couldnt hit crap and my wingmen got all the kills. With 3/4 you have to be dead on with you guns or you dont hit your target. With 1/2/P you have a greater chance of connecting with your target.
Err are you sure wc1 and two use the same engine? If they do it was certianly heavily upgraded by wc2. I can see where your were coming from now with the gun comparison. I was considering more on the pacing and the distance in which the battles tend to happen, and I wasn't much considering wc3 when creating the comparison. Wc3/WcIV definatly share similarities [ not to mention the engine], but based on the pacing of the games I found wc2 and WcIV very similar it was always fast furious and up close, meanwhile if you were to collide with another ship you'd blow up. While in Wc1/Prophecy a lot of the action seemed to be more distant somewhat slower, meanwhile missiles played little part in either. Also collisions were of little concern, rarely happens in wc1 and doesn't do much in Prophecy.
Actually I wonder if the enemy AI had something to do with me not drawing the wc3/wc4 comparison, it simply seems a fair bit different facing the black lance/border worlders, then the wc3 kilrathi.
yeah they are definitly the same engine. The pacing of the missions has more to do with the way they were designed. THey were programmed to be hurling a lot of stuff at you. But the feel of it all and the mindset while playing are different for 1/2/P than 3/4

Edit- I had no problems blowing up after ramming stuff in WC1:)
For me WC3/IV were the least playable engines, seems like they concentrated on features rather than playability :(
Well some of us know how to aim :p [j/k]

Originally posted by Supdon3
But the feel of it all and the mindset while playing are different for 1/2/P than 3/4
and that is precisely where our opinions differ. When it all boils down that's all this is, a matter of opinion. To me the mindset and feel playing wc2/wcIV differs from the mindset and feel playing wc1/prophecy for you the mindset differs from playing 1/2/P to playing wc3/4. Let's just leave it at that.
WC1 and Prophecy DEFINATLEY go together, WC3 and IV DEFINATLEY group together, but quite where WC2 fits in I would have to think about :) I'd probably put it with WC1/P :)
I disagree with the 'not worrying about collisions statement' in WC1. Collisions were my no. 1 cause of death in WC1. I rarely ever got shot, just got rammed all the time (suicidal kittens!).
In WCP you also get rammed (they even have a ship designed solely to ram you). You just don't instantly die of it. I attribute that to advances in shield technology.
I do think WC3/4 require too good aiming (except in the excalibur of course). Escpecially with the keyboard in WC3 it was damned near impossible. With my stick it's okay though.

Just my 4c (inflation)

Edit: Hey! Where's the 'all of the above' option? :D
Though I disagree that WCP had the gameplay of WC1 and 2 (my favourite WC games), I agree that WCP held the most fun in blowing the enemy up, mostly because its cool graphics.
Wow, WC1 is probably my least favourite due to its lack of plot, oh wait, best not forget SO :(

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