WCPedia - Fighter/Ship Entry Standardization


Frog Blast the Vent Core!
The Project is looking for a few good wingnuts.

The fighter/ship pages have been in various layouts for a while now and we need to come up with a finalized layout.

I started this draft a while back. Broadsword talk page

It sort of portrays what I was going for with having the table be image heavy, although that table clearly sucks. If you guys haven't noticed tables and I don't go to well. They are going to be the death of me for the mission text I swear (so does that convince anybody to jump onboard? :p ).

I like the Ships2 pages however they tend to be "long" while the Broadsword page is cramming more data into a single screen. Now using the basic format I made above for the Broadsword will cover about 99% of ships and fighters. It still needs to be polished more, but unless anyone has a better layout and if you do please test it out! I think it's ok to start modifying the Broadsword one for use throughout every ship article. We only have a problem few ships that will require more complicated solutions: Arrow, Rapier, Broadsword and Dralthi.

This is something we need to do now before we've got too many ship entries that require conversion. We've already got quite a few ship entires, but most of them will be a quick edit.

Questions, comments, concerns, complaints?
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This should be a nice little project to help people get involved and also learn more of what's in the WCPedia. Why not give it a go? (:
No one is interested in building something for the project?

We could really use help on this...anyone have any examples of systems that might work well for us? Even links to other wikis/pages/whatever would be a good start.
i'd be happy to take a crack at this - assuming all the info i need is there, but i'd need to know what kind of thing you're aiming at?
The Broadsword stuff is mostly there, but what I think we need is a standard layout for the other articles (you know the other 99% :p ).

I would love for someone to tackle the big four eventually, but getting a standard ship article layout is #1.

I'm aiming for something that looks good, is "fairly" ease to port article to article (copy and paste with data insertion) and presents all the info as clearly as possible.

Create a TEMP ship article for a Thunderbolt or something and play around with the data/layout. I'd rather have people's creativity come up with something than having me give some form of guidelines.

Check out other wikis (especially capital ship and plane articles) and see if you find something that we can "borrow."

When you've got a "final" TEMP version we can get the guys together and see what everybody thinks. Whenever we have debates on how to do things on the project we've always come up with great ideas. I'd like to keep that trend going...
So, I don't think I'm familiar enough with WC to be an official wingnut. I've only played the games a few times and read all the books. But I just got done talking with Dundradal in IRC and I thought I could lend a hand on the wiki.

I've started a very rough draft for fighter infoboxes. You can see it here; https://www.wcnews.com/wcpedia/User:Fenyx/Sandbox

It's missing an important component though. I need the javascript from http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.js added to https://www.wcnews.com/wcpedia/MediaWiki:Common.js and I can't do it myself as it is a protected page.

That will add collapsible tables. You can see them in action here; http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/Iolo

It will allow a lot of information to be added to an infobox without taking up a ton of space. (Iolo is one of the most extreme cases)

Right now I'm breaking things up by year since that seems to be how you guys are doing it whereas on the Ultima wiki we were breaking it up by game.

For Ultima we felt that each game differs enough that they'd be getting their own distinct parameters. So we gave each Ultima a separate template. So far that hasn't really panned out but in the future it might. On here we might be able to get away with one template that we include multiple times and just pass the year in as a parameter as well.

As I said I'm not very familiar with WC. What parameters would be different for each year vs. spanning across all years for a fighter?

Sorry about the wall of text. Hope I end up helping!
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So, I don't think I'm familiar enough with WC to be an official wingnut...

As I said I'm not very familiar with WC.
You don't have to be familiar with every little nuance of the WC universe to be called a WingNut. In my humble opinion, all that's required is a heartfelt desire to do what you can for the benefit of the community as well as your own enjoyment.
I think the collapsible tables for the infobox will be really useful for people like Blair, Tolwyn, Maniac, Angel, Thrakhath, etc who we have multiple headshots for.

For the ship infobox, definitely need to play around with it to see what works, but this is a great start!

I'll be on IRC today as well if you want to go over more ideas.