WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

And now for some pancakes, from our very own Klavs!





For a less visual update, I've added the Jalthi and Salthi to the game and, more importantly, have set up the proper collision meshes and joint positions to the models, so I'm a few dozen scripts away from having Klavs' crafts as playable. ATM, though, I'm working on having his new version of the Tiger's Claw properly integrated. She's a beauty. :-)
And now to showcase the latest version of the Tiger's Claw made by @Klavs81:






There's still a bit of work to do, notably for the engines (texture importation issue), but she looks pretty nice already!

EDIT: the engine texture is working properly now.
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So, you remember our good old Tarawa, made by @Klavs81

Shame on you if you do not, 'cause here come two variants for her planned for some campaign missions:

CVE-04 Sevastopol, her sister-ship who fought in the initial raid on Vukar Tag:


And the legend come true, a taunt to all Kilrathi pilots who ever came close to this proud ship!


(there might or might not be a graffity of Mister Kat somewhere on the ship for further mocking)
Klavs is the one to congratulate here. I just did a 30 minute edit work on his superb texture to get the Sevastopol and the First to Kilrah bit.
What's incredible isn't just the fidelity of the model itself but how @Klavs81 produced this ship off a static book cover image.

Makes me wonder what a Klavs version of my old ship might look like... might I add, from a single image:

Hard to believe this thing is still online.

Not trying to derail the thread, just imagining the possibilities with 3D modeling of this caliber. :D
What's incredible isn't just the fidelity of the model itself but how @Klavs81 produced this ship off a static book cover image.

Makes me wonder what a Klavs version of my old ship might look like... might I add, from a single image:

Hard to believe this thing is still online.

Not trying to derail the thread, just imagining the possibilities. :D
Have you seen the awesomeness of the models he made from the bitmap pictures we see in the encyclopedia? The guy is a monument for the community and getting his models in the game is a very, very long dream of mine finally made true. :-)
Looking awesome! Thanks for the kind words, you guys, I just love spaceships, and WC Spaceships in particular!

Just FYI The Number font is Amarillo USAF :)
Have you seen the awesomeness of the models he made from the bitmap pictures we see in the encyclopedia? The guy is a monument for the community and getting his models in the game is a very, very long dream of mine finally made true. :)
Yes, yes I have. :D

I have 3 of his Shapeways colored-stone fighters (before they were pulled for wall thinness) on my desk. I think there's a picture of them posted on this forum somewhere.

Except, with our traditional ships we have 2D art reference from every direction relatively. The CVEs have never been seen beyond that one angle. Much of her look had to be pieced together through imagination and ingenuity. It speaks more not just of 3D artistry but creative engineering.
Nope. It would be pretty hard to make it that way in a manner that players would be able to properly notice without wrecking the overall look of the ship.

Ahh, too bad. Was hoping it had also been placed where they painted it after the raid.
I've started the work again on the End Run campaign, using the convoy defence mission I released earlier as a template. Working now on the first mission, which should be a tutorial of sorts, with the TCS Tarawa and temporary escorts (two Exeter and one Venture) getting some quickly arranged training for the CAG and gunnery crew, with the help of Armada's TCS Lexington some time before it leaves for its ill-fated mission to Kilrah. A cameo of sorts that I found adequate since both ships raced to Kilrah. Here a screenshot with the old dialogue (notice how it uses the decade-old trick to attack missiles, the move-attack order, meaning the mission was scripted way before I implemented the automated anti-missile script for fighters and ships):


Here two screenshots with the Tarawa's air group being sent on an alpha strike:


Here as they close in towards their capital ships:


As you can see, I still have to get the icons and a few things, but the main assets seem to be working for this mission, so I will be able to experiment with the scripts. The idea is to get the player to familiarize with the use of each kind of fighter available, Ferret, Rapier and Sabre (it's crazy how small the Ferret is compared to those heavier fighters, but I checked the numbers with the displayed result and it does fit with the data we have on them), some useful commands such as the missile defence scripts, patrol and that kind of thing, then have mock combat against Lexington's air wing followed by a simulated attack on the heavy carrier and its sole escort (another Exeter), the mission culminating in a counter-attack from Lexington's Broadsword group. With this, the player should have a good hang on the game.
Correct me if I'm wrong but by End Run isn't Confed using Rapier-Gs? I see Rapier-A chassis in the alpha strike.

Other than that nitpick, I love everything else including the Lexington nod.