Wat happend with the WC series


Oke i have been out of the game for a few years now, and i did not follow al the thinks that happend in the past.

But my question now is, Did the stop with the WC series, the last thing i can remember is that they were planning 2 more parts after WC Prophecy.

So can someone tell me wat i mist.

I know its a stuppid question but im sick of searching the web for it. :confused:

thanx for al the reply's :D
I think I should point out that a fan mod and fan fiction are two different things, even though some mods would have some fan fic in their plot.
I recall reading that the following episodes after Prophecy were to be named Revelation and Apocalypse. Seems like EA which seems to hold the rights for Origin merchandise is only interested in Ultima Online.
Where did you read that? And EA owns Origin. And in the present environment, EA believes Ultima is the most profitable project to pursue.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Where did you read that? And EA owns Origin. And in the present environment, EA believes Ultima is the most profitable project to pursue.

That and The Sims... a Maxis production. Between the Sims and UO, they've been pulling in a pretty penny.

Other projects just don't seem that appealing to a bureaucratic mindset, unless they know it'll make money. WC just doesn't have the fanbase, still, to support their hideously expensive appetites.
Originally posted by AngelEyes
Oke i have been out of the game for a few years now, and i did not follow al the thinks that happend in the past.

But my question now is, Did the stop with the WC series, the last thing i can remember is that they were planning 2 more parts after WC Prophecy.

So can someone tell me wat i mist.

I know its a stuppid question but im sick of searching the web for it. :confused:

thanx for al the reply's :D

There are 2 Wing Commander related games, Starlancer and Freelancer (out in a couple of months I think).
woe is me for no more wing commander will be had :(

that said i thought star lance was ok, even though for some reason the "destroy the entire commie fleet on ur own for fun" mission 23 i think, kept crashing on mine, when i jumped in not good

alas for the time being wc is dead, we want 14 million pounds of gamin goodness, and they wont give it cos we wont pay them 20 million back!
Originally posted by Wedge009
Where did you read that?

A local (Finnish) computer games magazine named Pelit-lehti, a highly reputable publication around here. Those names supposedly gave some general indication about the plotlines: in Revelation you find out the nature of the enemy, and in Apocalypse (could've been Armageddon, hazy memory) you defeat the enemy. Ain't trilogies great?

As a bit of a side note, that is where I also read from of another never-to-be Origin sequel named Crusader: No Mercy.
Re: Re: Wat happend with the WC series

Originally posted by TopGun
There are 2 Wing Commander related games, Starlancer and Freelancer (out in a couple of months I think).
Define "related."
Originally posted by Crowley
As a bit of a side note, that is where I also read from of another never-to-be Origin sequel named Crusader: No Mercy.

Probably the name for Crusader 2. I saw some of the concept designs (couple of the bots, I think) in the back of a book way back (probably a Crusader strat guide, although I'm not sure), but unfortunately, it appears the game never got beyond that stage.
Yoaf all,

IIRC, the two 'followups' to Prophecy were "Redemption" and then "Revelation". Make what you will of the plots based on that. The whole 'trilogy' thing was pretty much abandoned early on, though (when David Downing left, probably, as it was supposed to have been his plan).

Crusader 2: No Mercy was the Crusader project that got shelved when Tony Z-whoever left Origin... which was a shame, because the Crusader line was really poised to be Origin's third big franchise. EA apparently didn't believe in continuing games without their 'creators'.

Crusader: No Regret was a stopgap game that was done really quickly since Crusader: No Remorse was such a huge success. Think of it as "Crusader 1 Part 2"... like Ultima VII Part 2. :)
The irony in all of that, of course, is that the one franchise that DID keep its creator ended up with one last game that was pretty bad.
Sure, parts of Ultima 9 were nice looking (Moonglow is an absolutely gorgeous area, imho), but as for the game itself...

And as for Crusader - I probably ought to go track down a copy of that. My copy of No Regret mysteriously developed a small, deep crack years ago, and rendered the disc useless.
And then there was Strike Force/Team (depending on your source)... Which, I assume, wasn't just a renamed Redemption...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
...EA apparently didn't believe in continuing games without their 'creators'.

Um, then howz that explain WCP, since Roberts had left by then? (or, did he leave partway *thru* its production?).....
Originally posted by Preacher
Um, then howz that explain WCP, since Roberts had left by then? (or, did he leave partway *thru* its production?).....

IIRC, Prophecy was done entirely without Chris Roberts. I suspect that EA's decision to continue with a new WC game, and not continue with a new Crusader game, was based on the fact that WC was already a successful franchise, whereas Crusader was just a single game.
Still seems a little odd, imho, but that's the only explanation I can come up with.
What happened to Blair. I never finished the game. I had an HD and I couldn't baer to replay it. Especially afer replying WCVI.