Stock vs. Milspec?


What are the advantages of milspec class ships over stock ships?
After finally raising enough credits (a 57 grand Clean Sweep mission helped a lot there :D) to upgrade my Tarsus to a Demon I first tried the milspec one.
- good: some things were preinstalled
- bad: not everything could be upgraded (shields, reactor)
- bad: it fucked up my game.
Fucked up means: Accepting missions would not add them to Active Missions. Tachyon Guns would cost 10 credits. Looks like a buffer problem to me.

Stock Demon:
- good: everything could be installed as I want to
- good: did not fuck up my game
- bad: came with absolutely nothing

So, what are your thoughts on stock vs. milspec?
You can change the ractor on the Mill. Spec. Deamon... the problem is it all reddy comes with a good reactor so you have to buy a reactor higher then what it comes with, about a stage 4 reactor is the first one you can buy about 57K. I haven't actualy bought it (saveing the 400,000+ credits for a Mill. Spec. Centurian) but the selection was available.

Also I had no probs with missions in my Mill. Spec. Deamon, even did a good chunk of the story line in it
"Milspec" is also mostly a dorky concept fans invented a few years back. You can have a stronger or weaker item, but there's just a lot of problems with this "milspec" stuff.
ChrisReid said:
"Milspec" is also mostly a dorky concept fans invented a few years back. You can have a stronger or weaker item, but there's just a lot of problems with this "milspec" stuff.

It's kind of come dorky fan concept full circle here -- fanfic started using it specifically to explain why Privateers *couldn't* have better ships (compared to those used in WC3).

Edited:... and a *MilSpec* mercenary fighter is a contradiction in terms. "MilSpec" (in-real-life) means equipment ordered to military specifications... of which the Demon is one of the rare Wing Commander fighters which cannot claim so to be in any way, shape or form.
They are in there as a lazy way to get a well upgraded ship, cept it isn't fun, and they aren't flexible. Won't be there in the next iteration.

I have no problem with the concept of milspec itself ( a convenient way to shorten the phrase "what the military uses"), but in general it isn't what the player is using (unless the player is in the military)