Repair Systems?


I've been playing for a couple days, and I've noticed that the advanced repair droid doesn't appear to do anything... Am I doing something wrong?
It works so well and so fast that you don't see it work. You will see that it did work when you finish a particularly tense battle and have extensively damaged armor, and no damaged systems (they typically are already repaired before you can dock). Remember to repair your armor by selling the old and buying new; "Repair" in a ship dealers shop doesn't work with armor, and the 'new for old' is frequently cheaper than the minimum 1000cr. a repair jobs costs if it did work.
I disagree - I have been in battles where I took damage and have flashing static on my HUD panels (confirming I have hull damage). Despite the advanced repair droid I had purchased, I flew around for a while and things kept flashing.

Others have said that it takes an while for the repair droid to work.

I still get the flashing static as well--it doesn't seem to go away on its own. Additionally, my damaged radar appears to lose targets. This doesn't appear to be fixed, even after a very long time (several missions, probably).

Also, the damage screen only shows my hull damage, not damage to any of my other components. Is that a yet-to-be-added feature?
Legend said:
Also, the damage screen only shows my hull damage, not damage to any of my other components. Is that a yet-to-be-added feature?

From a previous thread:
At the moment, the 3D view with red damage shading is all that's there. The damage list is something that may be considered in later release.

I want it too. :)