Proof Shotglass lives...

Hmm, I rather like the idea of Maniac retiring. I mean, we might still get to see him in FMV every once in a while (yeah, yeah... IF there's a new game), and we'll certainly hear about him from the manuals and stuff. On the other hand, we can be fairly certain he won't die in combat - and it would have been a great pity if he did.
Maniac would transfer to a non-combat position rather than retire... or, more likely, join a militia group or the Landreich. He's like Bear, all he knows how to do is fight, and it's what he's good at.

I disagree -- Maniac is far more interested in *flying*... afterall, the majority of his assignments from 2660 on were as a test pilot. Bondarevsky was interested specifically in fighting... Maniac just likes flying. IMO, Maniac is the WC equivalent of General Yeager...
I think for Maniac fighting is a part of flying but not the whole of it. He wants to be the best at every aspect of it, and that does mean fighting too. But he also wants to be the best pilot in every form it takes.
No... my comparison was slightly off as Bear was also content to be on the bridge of a cap ship, or other similar situations. Maniac is much more focused on the flying aspect. Though I doubt he'd be happy flying a non-combat fighter. Partially due to the fact that combat fighters can be pushed harder, and he enjoys the fight, though, as we've seen he doesn't need it as long as there's some sort of danger. Possibly a military stunt flyer, or the like would satisfy him.

He spent the majority of his career flying non-combat test flights, though... he was certainly in it for the thrill -- but what pilot isn't?

Although we know he's currently involved in politics, I can definately seeing him taking over Confed's fighter test program... and sneaking behind the 'stick whenever possible.
Hmm... Maniac calmed down quite a bit in his older age and started playing better with others... I doubt, however, he'd take a deskjob for long, even if it gave him the chance to fly every once and a while. He's an Eagle, remember.

He's definately not interested in combat, though -- he's turned down post-war combat tours before because patrols bore him <G>
So its not the combat he doesnt like, its the days of boredom before the ten minutes of action that he doesnt like.
I think he misses Tolwyn and his insane suicidal missions that almost always worked out... (excluding one horrible screw up in WC3 :) )

He's normally with Blair... and Blair's been involved in a good number of them, mostly because he keeps surviving.

For most of Maniac's career, he was not flying with Blair... he flew with Blair in 2654-2655 for the Vega Campaign and Thor's Hammer, and then in 2667 as a Special Ops operative (for a few days) and during the Second Enigma Campaign. Then in 2669 for the end of the war, and in 2673 for two weeks for WCIV... but he spent most of his combat career flying *without* Blair (2656-2660, various times in the 60s) or test piloting fighters <G>
Yeah... I guess you're right... He was only involved in crazy Tolwyn adventures in the Academy... the WCM... and pretty multiple all the games... nope... wasn't in many at all. Sure, he missed some of 'em... but he was involved in many and seemed to function quite well under the pressure.

Being ordered to do something by Tolwyn and going on a suicide mission by Tolwyn are two very different things..

(Actually, he wasn't even ordered to do anything by Tolwyn in the movie... he was reporting to Tiger's Claw anyway...).
Being ordered to do something by Tolwyn and going on a suicide mission by Tolwyn are two very different things..

A suprising amount of the time they don't seem to be (obviously we get to play the dramatic parts of the war... but that's not the point :)

Ah, but in the movie Tolwyn ordered the Tiger's Claw alone to hold off the entire Kilrathi fleet long enough so the Concordia battle group could get to Earth first. And Maniac was onboard.
Not really... the only actual situation I can think of where Tolwyn knowingly orders a suicide mission is when he sents Blair and Grunt to Dolos in WCA.

The Tarawa was sent on a suicide mission in End Run -- but that was by Banbridge... and Tolwyn disagreed (and even broke the rules to go save her).

Neither of these situations involved Maniac, though... he was involved in both operations, but not in a suicidal manner.
Originally posted by Supdon3
Ah, but in the movie Tolwyn ordered the Tiger's Claw alone to hold off the entire Kilrathi fleet long enough so the Concordia battle group could get to Earth first. And Maniac was onboard.

But this wasn't a *suicide* mission. Ordering a warship into a dangerous situation is one thing, ordering them to their certain deaths is another. Tolwyn didn't order Tiger's Claw to sacrafice herself.
That kind of depended on how Captain Sansky went about it. It was a hit and run fight but then the Claw almost was destroyed.