My first impressions.


Well I havn't had alot of time to check this out but did attempt a couple of missions and heres what I noticed...

First let me start by saying that I am looking forward to really digging in and seeing what more this remake has to offer. Here are some things I noticed right off the bat...

On entering the game I noticed the familiar screens from priv and was happy. Then as always I started my jurney in the bar... I have to say I was a little surpized to see an extra char. at the front seat. Up until this point I had almost forgot that I was playing a remake.. lol So now I have to ask.. Whats with the Bounty hunter? Guess I'll find out more as I play the game... lol

So then it was off to the ship yard to take a look at the ships specs... I noticed right off the bat, that I could no longer sell off my missle launcher and purchase a second Meson cannon... I also noticed that there were no Missle launchers at all... Well ok then, purchased a meson blaster anyway and it was off to the mission computer to look for some more money. I was happy to see more missions here and how everything was orginized.

After selecting a couple of missions I ventured out.

In space I noticed the new graphics and started playing around with the ship... while doing so I ran right into the mining base... lol

One thing I had a hard time with was selecting nav points at the beginning..... I pressed 'n' and was expecting a map... Instead the screen display, displayed my destination. Once I noticed this slight change it was off the Nav point to kill some Retro.

I arrived and did not see any ships... So I decided to sweep through the Nav point (once I figured out that this was the nav point and not a planet). Doing so I heard a missle being shot and fly through the nav point... I thought somehow I had fired it (As the peace time music was still playing). Then I turned around and low and behold there was the Retro I was looking for. Well needless to say he got the best of me... (well what do you expect it was my first time out)

Ok so starting over, I went through the same beginning steps and took a bounty for a pirate.

This time knowing that the music would not change based on the ships in the sector I looked for my target. I found a couple of Millia ships and of course my pirate. After a long battle the Pirate Fled! Whats the deal with that? I'd never seen a ship flee in the game before, but it makes perfect sence.

And that ended my trips so far....

Overall it was a confusing experiance. Some things felt the same but other didn't...

For one the contols on the ship were a bit sluggish and it was hard to target my opponet as the slighted touch of the joystick would have a breif delay and then overshoot the target. It was like playing an Orion using the keyboard for controls (and I think we all remember that headache, and what a joy it was when we finally purchased a joystick for the game)

Also I remember the starting ship being more manuverable then this one is... Its really slow... Forces me to purchase the Orion a little sooner then normal I guess. But isn't this ship suppost to be the All-in-one ship? Is the orion like this as well?

I also was at first a little disappointed that the music didn't change based on the enemies being present in the nav point... But after a little thought, I prefer it this way. With the basic scanners I should know that there is an enemy present until I find him myself. But as a suggestion shouldn't the music change once this is established?

Also it was a little hard to tell if I was traveling forward. I might suggest adding some more BS artifacts into the screen, so one can judge speed and direction a little bit better.

One other suggestion for the next ver of the game might be to change the screen view during talks with the bar tender and a like. I did like the fact that all the old voices were in there. Great job with the audio capture.

Ok so now that I've seen the short commings and have leared to cope with them, I am off to hunt down some more pirates..

Thanks once again for your hard work... Great job overall!
Oh yeah.. I forgot to mension... The Millia in the pirate mission just sat there and looked pretty... Aren't they support to go after Pirates?
mm nice summary of your experiences so far... gives a good assessment of what's similar and what's different.

Sometimes bounty hunters pull up a chair and are there to talk to... to get xtra missions...otherwise there's the guilds...

as for the combat music--the game is *slightly* different than the original with how it deals with pirates... in the remake, pirates are -40 relation with you... but if you don't have cargo they get a +70 modifier... so if you get attacked and have a bit of cargo you can always dump it and they get a +70 modifier...
anyhow that explains the friendly music :-) if you kill a few of them and you get the relation below -70 then the music won't be friendly even if you have 0 goods in cargo hold

and don't expect to eject your cargo only to tractor it in...these guys will suck it in too!

as for the sluggishness... it feels about the same on the keyboard as the original--and the joystick is only a different input method... so it'll feel same as that... we did add turn accel--anyhow buy a better ship--

the view changing thing is a valid argument...

but I hope you continue to explore and enjoy--and most importantly try 1.0 you may find it interesting when it's done
hmm maybe the militia was too far away to see the pirate.... sometimes they take a bit of time to notice--but they will go after pirates often
Thanks for the quick comments... That was fast... lol

it feels about the same on the keyboard as the original

That maybe true... and I would agree with you. But remember the difference when you hooked up a joystick? It was a day and night difference in the game. Maybe a faster responce to the input might help? Don't know... I'll play with it more... for sure. These were all minor, the key is the Idea behind the game anyway. :D

I look forward not only to seeing the 1.0 release, but to see what you guys do with it AFTER you get the game where you want it. lol
lol cool

you'll get less delay if you set your computer memory and processor speed higher in settings

another way to get less delay is to edit units/units.csv and change the Yaw Pitch and Roll to 2x or 3x (it's a csv so you can do this with excel operations)
I recommend beating the game before tweaking it tho
Also it was a little hard to tell if I was traveling forward. I might suggest adding some more BS artifacts into the screen, so one can judge speed and direction a little bit better.

I agree, more signs to show how fast you're going would be great. Hard to tell right now compared to the orig.

Also, it would be nice to start flight with the cockpit view versus the HUD view as the default. I know people use it. Personally, I would prefer defaulting it to cockpit view.
tcat92 said:
Also, it would be nice to start flight with the cockpit view versus the HUD view as the default. I know people use it. Personally, I would prefer defaulting it to cockpit view.
If by cockpit view you mean the same as in the original view, it does default to that. If not, you are using the terms in a manner opposite to how I use them :D Cockpit == old school, HUD == instruments only.
Well that we even allow the instruments only mode is a choice of generosity... one we could renig on at any time *play darth vader music*

it always defaults to cockpit mode and always will... only a select few want the w-w-w-w-wide screen version
Ok, ok. Yeah, yeah, I meant the cockpit view. I love the cockpit view. :) fooey on the Hud view.

I guess I was using the terms backwards. Please keep the instrument only (HUD) view. I cut my Privateer teeth with the old school view, but with the new view, I don't know why anyone wouldn't want the larger view. Its still PRivateer, but better.

As for the space dust. Yes, I do see them, but maybe if there were a little more. Not important though. Just agreeing with what the other poster was saying.