When people have no good reasons to argue for or against a particular policy, and they know it, they turn to "demonization". Typical of "demonization" is pushing a new term, which is supposed to be bad.
Witness it here: "fan boy", as in
jkeefe....don't be a jackass. TRUE fans don't appreciate fan boy syndrome.
No one can appreciate "fan boy syndrome", since no such thing has ever existed, nor will ever exist, since the term will never be coined, for lack of useful meaning. Fortunately, there are some actual arguments, sometimes put forward, such as,
its what has made every remake in the history of remakes suck massive amounts of ass. and for you or anyone else to expect fans of the original NOT to get pissed off at the fact that some people elected to 'do it our way' over the right way? well...that's stupidity.
Somewhat of a point. Remakes are not an every day occurrence, though, and are often made by greedy corporations trying to make a quick and easy buck. But what I think is stupidity is to insist that "nothing can be different", or "Just Say NO", as a rule of thumb that opposes all change, whether positive, negative or neutral, as evil. Reminds me of the Church of Man people. Then the distinction betwee "remake" and "fanboy patches?", like WCU? I don't see where it says, in what dictionary or encyclopedia, that "remake" has to mean "exact copy"? Must the number of systems remain what it was? Is there no consideration of the fact that the number of systems in the the original had to be limited in order to put a cap on the number of floppies needed in distribution, and NOT because the number of systems was somehow "sacred"?
And as a fan of Privateer, I consider it the best game, for many reasons. But I'm not blind to the shortcomings of the original, either. Like the argument about whether to put more turrets on a drayman. Boy, like it makes any sense having big slow turkeys floating around, with a single turret for defense, in spite of having up to number 8 reactor and plenty of skin on which to fit such turrets, but, just say NO, just because some "true fan" says so. Argument is evil. Thou dost not question the almighty words of a "true fan", right?
Bunch of Retros...