Mac's Excal Excels (July 17, 2024)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Mac is celebrating a new version of Blender with a fancy new render. He's taken Klavs' fantastic Excalibur model and infused it with some very complimentary lighting effects. It's even a good proxy for the Temblor strike aftermath!

Blender 4.2 is out! You know what means? New Eevee Rendering! Which means new ways for me to light stuff without having to go into Cycles! Yay!

Eevee? Autocorrect mishap or pet name for his favorite fighter? I'll leave that for you to decide!

Original update published on July 17, 2024
Eevee rendering. So the rendering can evolve into Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon then? Not sure I'd want to turn an Excalbur into any of those...

(Somebody was going to make that joke eventually. Figured I'd get it over with.)