Loading the game is very slow


I just installed the game and when I try and run it takes a very long time to load up.

I get the splash window up and then I can see the status where each file is being loaded. (Eg. Warp00x.jpg) But this takes two minutes per file.

I eventually get to the main launch pad but everything is slow.

Can somebody help me solve this issue.

My specs:

733 Mhz P3
512 MB RAM
Windows XP SP2
Geforce 2 MX
Nvidia Forceware Drivers 71.89
hellcatv said:
download the 66xx series drivers and install those...
the 71xx have totally broken OpenGL...

Do you know where I can get the older drivers?

The Nvidia website only has the lastest version of 71xx.

UPDATE: It seems the drivers were the issue. I had to downgrade to Omega Forceware 66.93 and the game runs smoothly.

You would have thought that new would mean better.
Thanks for trying our suggestion RZetlin.
It's hard to believe that the 71xx series was so flawed--but it can happen, even at a large company, but I wouldn't go asking you to downgrade willy nilly.

Anyhow... let us know if you have any more issues with the game or enjoy it or whatever :-)
If you want older drivers then I have a backup copy of 53.03 nividia drivers which I can post on my website www.thecult.tk if you want. These drivers work just fine with everythin on my Geforce 3 as far as I can tell.

Also, you may want to try defragging your harddisk checking for viruses and spyware etc.

If none of this fixes it then it could be down to the game engine, or it could be because your P.C. is a bit slow by todays standards and they do recommend having a P.C. with a spec similar to that you could get normally in 2002.

Hope this helps